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1 Weekend Promo, 2 fantastic franchises, 14 classic games, $26.91 for the complete collection, 100s of hours of unforgettable gaming

all games from Wing Commander and Ultima series available on are discounted by 50%. You have the chance to buy Wing Commander 4, or Ultima VII: the Complete Edition for only $2.99 until Monday, June 4 11:59 PM EDT.

Ultima is a series of fantasy RPGs created by Richard Garriott (a.k.a. Lord British more) than 30 years ago. The main story of Ultima universe, which takes place in the worlds of Sosaria and, later, Britannia, follows the unnamed protagonist (known only as the Stranger or later as the Avatar, an incarnation of virtue) through three “Ages”: The Age of Darkness (Ultima I-III), The Age of Enlightenment (Ultima IV-VI), and The Age of Armageddon (Ultima VII-IX). It’s one of the most influential RPG series, recognized for open-ended gameplay, in-depth morality system exploring mature themes like racism and xenophobia, and a rich and detailed world. Whether you want to try the original trilogy, visit thousands of colorful places and characters in Ultima 4+5+6, play through Ultima VII: The Complete Edition--arguably the best in series, find your way back home in Ultima VIII: Gold Edition or complete Ultima Underworld 1 and 2, the first first-person RPGs with true 3D environments, all these titles are available for only $2.99 this weekend on

Wing Commander is a series of 3D space combat simulators, described by the games’ creator Chris Roberts as "World War II in space.” In this series, you follow pilots of the Terran Confederation in their fight against the aggressive feline Kilrathi. Introduce yourself to the epic military space conflict in Wing Commander 1+2, play as Col. Christopher "Maverick" Blair (starred by Mark Hamill) and watch amazing FMV cut-scenes in Wing Commander 3: Heart of the Tiger, enjoy fast, action-packed, and varied space combat in the most expensive video game of its era Wing Commander: Privateer.

In addition to that, because the Wing Commander series plays so much better with a joystick, we’ve approached the guys from Logitech and they were kind enough to offer a few awesome Logitech Extreme™ 3D Pro joysticks to our users. Leave a comment below for a chance to win 1 of 3 logitech joysticks. You can also enter a similar joystick-winning contests on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

Become the Ultimate Commander (THE ULTIMMANDER!) and buy the complete collection of EA’s Most Famous Classic Series for only $26.91, this weekend on
Lack of a joystick is the only thing preventing me from playing these space sims.
Winter23: Wing Commander is one of the all time greats. I wish this series would make a comeback with a modern take, would be amazing with todays tech.
Some modders made a Freespace Open Port (modern engine) called the Wing Commander Saga

Apparently it is very good. I've not played it myself.
Post edited June 01, 2012 by crazy_dave
Sweet! Purchased!
Sure, why not? I'd love to win a Logitech joystick.
Posting for the win. Have the game but no joystick.
I would love to see a rebirth of space combat sims that would put joysticks back in front of people's PC screens. Now, someone just needs to Kickstart another Wing Commander sequel. And where's my TIE Fighter remake?
Post edited June 01, 2012 by SelvagemKC
Just bought some of the games offered in this deal, and I definitely wouldn't say no to a free joystick potentially on top of that.
amcdermo: I'm sure they're classics but the gameplay in Ultima 1-6 might be too basic and or infuriating for me. The graphics might make it difficult as well. I have an open mind though. I did start gaming on the Commodore 64 but never played Ultima so as a new player should I skip the first 2 packs or would I miss a good story? Can a modern gamer even play these anymore or are they too old-school?
They certainly are classics, but they may require some patience for the modern gamer (where here "modern" is defined as "post-1990" -- I love GOG!). For the best gameplay experience, I recommend applying fan-made graphics patches. Here's a link:

The Ultima 2 patch upgrades the graphics from CGA to glorious EGA and also includes fixes for some in-game maps by applying files from the Apple ][ version. These maps were originally corrupted by Origin when they released the Ultima Collection CD, and it's never been officially addressed since then; the Ultima 2 patch corrects the issue. GOG, if you're reading, I even recommend including the map fixes in the game's installer; this is a major issue with the game.

The patches for Ultimas 3 and 4 both upgrade the in-game graphics to VGA and add MIDI music from the Commodore 64 versions. (The Ultima 4 patch is the first link under "Related Downloads".)

The patch for Ultima 5 just adds music.

I highly recommend these patches to anyone thinking of playing these games, as they add considerably to the experience.

With that out of the way:

Ultima 7 is probably the best one to jump into; the interface is far more intuitive than any of the previous games, and the gameplay is just fantastic. Save often, as the game can unfortunately freeze from time to time. The graphics are also considerably advanced over the previous Ultimas, this being the first that doesn't use tile-based movement. (If you are very technically inclined, see if you can get MUNT working so you can hear the MT-32 soundtrack. This post on QuestStudios will get you started.)

If Ultima 7 and Serpent Isle make you curious about the older games, then Ultimas 4-6 should be your next stop. These three games form the moral center of the series: Ultima 4 introduces the system of virtues and the Avatar; Ultima 5 shows what can happen when the virtues become corrupted; and Ultima 6 is all about unintended consequences. Your character file can be imported from Ultima 4 into Ultima 5 and then again into Ultima 6, providing some nice continuity.

The gameplay in Ultimas 1-6 can be intimidating if you're accustomed to mouse-driven interfaces with simple, straightforward actions. Instead, these games are keyboard-driven, to a ludicrous degree: nearly every letter on the keyboard has a distinct purpose! These games were created in a time when it was expected that people read the game manuals, and you'll find a lot of great flavor in the printed material (available as PDFs from GOG or replacementdocs). Have a notepad handy (or, y'know, notepad.exe works too), and write down everything that seems important. The games will not keep track of these things for you. Particularly in the earlier games, your first goal should be simply to stay alive: you need money for food, weapons, and armor; and money comes from killing monsters or thievery. Only once you've worked out how to not die should you even try to advance the plot.

These are all great games if you've got the dedication to play them, and I'm ecstatic that GOG provides them in such a great format. I haven't even touched on the Wing Commanders, which are all fantastic. I'd already purchased every game on this list; now maybe I can convince some of my friends to take the plunge!
I''ve been using Logitech all my gaming life, back to the Commodore 64 and it's funky tape drive. Their peripherals are very reliable.

My rig now has a Logitech G15 keyboard and a G700 mouse - an Extreme 3D pro joystick would top it all off, and make it so much easier to smash those Kilrathi's again after all these years!!
I'm interested with the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick.

How many of you guys still own a functional working joystick?
Great Promo, bought all the games I didn't already own.

The joystick would go nicely with the games.
Wing Commander III and Wing Commander IV - I very much loved these games in the childhood, they left to me the kindest memories.
Great games, I will pass once again.
GOG seems determined to take all my money. Now if I could just find the time to play all the games I've bought here.
So is Ultima 8 worth buying?
A joystick would be sweet.