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Jagged Alliance 2, Sacred Gold, Flatout and more Strategy First Games 60% off.

How do you call a promo that features about 20 awesome games? As any other given week, we've put all the sale parameters in our Artificially Creative Marketing Enhancer 5000 so it would generate a nice promo name for us, but to our surprise the only output it gave us was: [url=]~20 Awsome Games (yes, with a typo). We tried rebooting it, updating the drivers, adding some additional cooling to the creative chip, and even threatening the damn AI with early retirement in the junk pile behind the bunker. All in vain. ~20 Awsome Games is all we could get out of it. Strange glitch. But, what the hell, we decided to go with it. So, let's see what set of games made such an impression on our Marketing Enhancer, shall we?

If you are a strategy fan with a significant turn-based combat inclination, Jagged Alliance 2 is a title you just can't miss. Leading a squadron of mercenaries and micro-managing all the details of their missions is both fun and challenging. The Enigmatic T considers this title to be one of the best games of all times. Find out why!

More of a fantasy fan? Here's a treat for you. Sacred Gold is a brilliant hack-and-slash title with an open world, varied player classes, legions of nasties to slay, and a pretty original and interesting story-line, told from the perspective of different characters. The game comes complete with all the updates and the Underground expansion pack.

Or maybe you need to satisfy your lust for adrenaline? Check Flatout, an amazingly diverse racing game sporting a realistic physics engine, powerful cars, and many different play modes. This is the game you want to play when you just need to feel that racing rush!

But that's only the tip of the iceberg, as the uninspired but accurate name suggests you can get almost 20 games with a nice 60% off discount this weekend. Head out to the promo page, and check out the fantastic selection of Strategy First games yourself.

Below, you'll find a new episode of This Week on GOG, a short video guide to recent events, promos, and other happenings on the site. By the way, if you haven't already, you might want to follow the channel on Youtube, so you won't miss our shows, specials, and exclusive trailers.
Post edited February 01, 2013 by G-Doc
fr33kSh0w2012: Why does in say ~20 when there is only 19 WTFBBQ I:S AMA CONFUSED

Joke Of the day

Q. What's the difference between dust mites and Lesbians?

A. Nothing, They both like Munching Carpet.
dirtyharry50: Can you take the disrespect for lesbians elsewhere? Not cool and not funny.
While I would argue that this is not the place for rude jokes, there is no disrespect that I can see in the joke. Why don't you read it again, and properly analyze it instead of just going off like a hair trigger because a specific group of people was mentioned ?
What's the difference between GOGer and a sad zombie having sex?

low rated
keeveek: What's the difference between GOGer and a sad zombie having sex?

Agh hahahahahaha GOOD ONE!
dirtyharry50: Can you take the disrespect for lesbians elsewhere? Not cool and not funny.
graspee: While I would argue that this is not the place for rude jokes, there is no disrespect that I can see in the joke. Why don't you read it again, and properly analyze it instead of just going off like a hair trigger because a specific group of people was mentioned ?
If you are unable to see how that is disrespectful, I cannot help you. Sorry. It would just be a waste of time for us to argue back and forth about it.
fr33kSh0w2012: This user has also played as:








DirtyHarry50 on steam is a cheater he is also German Not US So he lies about his whereabouts Falsifying your location is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE!
That is wrong. I have always had the same name and my profile says so. I don't know who's profile you looked at (there are many DirtyHarry's on Steam) but it was not mine. I am not DirtyHarry50 on Steam by the way but I think I won't bother telling you who I am there. I also do not cheat in games.

I do live in the United States and I am of Irish descent entirely.

Learn to do your homework son. :D

keeveek: What's the difference between GOGer and a sad zombie having sex?

Don't be disrespectful of sad zombies Keeveek! Umm, I mean GOGers. Umm, never mind!
Post edited February 02, 2013 by dirtyharry50
dirtyharry50: Don't be disrespectful of sad zombies Keeveek! Umm, I mean GOGers. Umm, never mind!
;-) I just wanted to say, bad jokes are just bad jokes, nothing more ;)
Post edited February 02, 2013 by keeveek
dirtyharry50: Don't be disrespectful of sad zombies Keeveek! Umm, I mean GOGers. Umm, never mind!
keeveek: ;-) I just wanted to say, bad jokes are just bad jokes, nothing more ;)
Well I'm glad we agree the joke was bad. This poor thread has suffered enough over this bad joke now.

Patrician III and Port Royale 2 look good in the sale this weekend. Too bad the first Port Royale isn't included for some reason. That's on my wish list too.

Darkstar One is supposed to be a very good game as well but I own it already.
Post edited February 02, 2013 by dirtyharry50
Artificially Creative Marketing Enhancer 5000= ACME 5000.
If this was already spotted I am sorry for bringing it up again but this was too funny to miss ;)
low rated
graspee: While I would argue that this is not the place for rude jokes, there is no disrespect that I can see in the joke. Why don't you read it again, and properly analyze it instead of just going off like a hair trigger because a specific group of people was mentioned ?
dirtyharry50: If you are unable to see how that is disrespectful, I cannot help you. Sorry. It would just be a waste of time for us to argue back and forth about it.
fr33kSh0w2012: This user has also played as:








DirtyHarry50 on steam is a cheater he is also German Not US So he lies about his whereabouts Falsifying your location is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE!
dirtyharry50: That is wrong. I have always had the same name and my profile says so. I don't know who's profile you looked at (there are many DirtyHarry's on Steam) but it was not mine. I am not DirtyHarry50 on Steam by the way but I think I won't bother telling you who I am there. I also do not cheat in games.

I do live in the United States and I am of Irish descent entirely.

Learn to do your homework son. :D

keeveek: What's the difference between GOGer and a sad zombie having sex?

dirtyharry50: Don't be disrespectful of sad zombies Keeveek! Umm, I mean GOGers. Umm, never mind!
You should stop downrepping people you wouldn't like it if I downrepped you! was a 98 then 97 now 96 and don't try an make light of the situation and if you bothered to listen to what I said in the PM's dude you wouldn't of acted like a total jackass I Copy pasted it from a site I was glancing at because I didn't know what the Fuck they were on about can't remember the site NOW as Opera browser went TERMINAL on me and I had to delete the history and everything else including passwords and everything because it grinded to a HALT which is VERY weird for Opera to do then realised there was an Update available Straight after I deleted everything and dude why the hell didn't you read that I have 5% physical Brain damage from when two assholes (befriended me then) got me up an alley they were on Crystal Meth and Wild turkey bourbon the first guy spun me around and tried to king hit me he was a total dipshit and couldn't fucking punch if his life depended on it I had a piece of his THUMB nail get lodged in my Lower lip that caned like hell the other little Prick jumped on my back and pummeled my head in and he was a quick little psychopath it was an amazingly quick flurry and I collapsed they spiderwebbed my skull and I "died" 3 times on the way to hospital apparently they threw me up against the no standing pole there (You shoulda seen the pole you wouldn't believe a human body could do that) the pole was fucked and I can still walk sure I get dropsie every now and then and can't remember more then 4 things on a shopping list but by christ son I know when I'm being insulted

anyway How old are you? because if your younger then 29 don't bother me again I'm 29.

Oh B.T.W. If by doing your homework you mean cyberstalking I DON'T THINK SO! I got into some serious shit with a guy by the net name of L2L becasue I was clowning around with a friend who isn't my friend anymore because he took me clowning around with him as internet stalking and all hell broke loose with two admins TEARING DOWN MY FUCKING THROAT FOR NO FUCKING REAL REASON SO WHY DON'T YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF!

Post edited February 02, 2013 by fr33kSh0w2012
dirtyharry50: If you are unable to see how that is disrespectful, I cannot help you. Sorry. It would just be a waste of time for us to argue back and forth about it.

That is wrong. I have always had the same name and my profile says so. I don't know who's profile you looked at (there are many DirtyHarry's on Steam) but it was not mine. I am not DirtyHarry50 on Steam by the way but I think I won't bother telling you who I am there. I also do not cheat in games.

I do live in the United States and I am of Irish descent entirely.

Learn to do your homework son. :D

Don't be disrespectful of sad zombies Keeveek! Umm, I mean GOGers. Umm, never mind!
fr33kSh0w2012: You should stop downrepping people you wouldn't like it if I downrepped you! was a 98 then 97 now 96 and don't try an make light of the situation and if you bothered to listen to what I said in the PM's dude you wouldn't of acted like a total jackass I Copy pasted it from a site I was glancing at because I didn't know what the Fuck they were on about can't remember the site NOW as Opera browser went TERMINAL on me and I had to delete the history and everything else including passwords and everything because it grinded to a HALT which is VERY weird for Opera to do then realised there was an Update available Straight after I deleted everything and dude why the hell didn't you read that I have 5% physical Brain damage from when two assholes (befriended me then) got me up an alley they were on Crystal Meth and Wild turkey bourbon the first guy spun me around and tried to king hit me he was a total dipshit and couldn't fucking punch if his life depended on it I had a piece of his THUMB nail get lodged in my Lower lip that caned like hell the other little Prick jumped on my back and pummeled my head in and he was a quick little psychopath it was an amazingly quick flurry and I collapsed they spiderwebbed my skull and I "died" 3 times on the way to hospital apparently they threw me up against the no standing pole there (You shoulda seen the pole you wouldn't believe a human body could do that) the pole was fucked and I can still walk sure I get dropsie every now and then and can't remember more then 4 things on a shopping list but by christ son I know when I'm being insulted

anyway How old are you? because if your younger then 29 don't bother me again I'm 29.

Oh B.T.W. If ny doing your homework you mean cyberstalking I DON'T THINK SO!
I very rarely hit the minus button on any post but I did for that tasteless joke, yeah. Even so, my single minus didn't change your rep. That isn't how it works. A number of people had to hit minus too before your rep would change. Nobody knows what that magic number is as far as I know but I think it takes a fair number of people liking or not liking a post for someone's rep to move one digit.

Your raging, incoherent private messages caused me to block you so I don't need to waste time on your ceaseless rants anymore. Congratulations on being the first person I've met in over two years here that I had to figure out how to do that for.

I'm sorry for your misfortune but I think we both know it isn't really an excuse for the bad joke. Just let it go. It isn't such a big deal and does not deserve all of this. In my opinion, it is not cool to make derogatory jokes about gay people and I told you so. I think a lot of people would agree.

As to your question about my age, I am old enough to be your father.

You do not know anything about my life either. I will give you the short version. There are multiple reasons I am diagnosed with PTSD. I guess I should say to you, welcome to the club. Life can be tough sometimes, that is for sure.
Post edited February 02, 2013 by dirtyharry50
low rated
So your 60! then

It wasn't my bad joke and sorry for the all caps my caps lock is fucked which means I have to use shift key to make this normal size I've just jammed a lollie wrapper in the friggin shift key and yes I was ranting but I had good reason too as for the "joke" which I didn't really get what I wanted was an opinion Not a friggin flaming match. well you don't have to worry about me anymore anyway how the hell did you block me?!?

I ALSO HAVE PTSD and I'm only 29

So maybe we can share life stories then

Also I'd like you to understand When I was just 6 Years old I was Passed around like a bag of chips at a womans refuge (the women were raping me!) while keeping my mother in a weird head state so my mother doesn't know I can't tell her because she still thinks I'm a virgin FFS do you understand why sometimes I come across the way I do.
Post edited February 02, 2013 by fr33kSh0w2012
fr33kSh0w2012: So your 60! then
Don't make me that old just yet. I'll be 54 next month. ;-)
low rated
fr33kSh0w2012: So your 60! then
dirtyharry50: Don't make me that old just yet. I'll be 54 next month. ;-)
Oh sorry dude your not that old and Also I would like you to understand that when I was 6 years old back in 1989 I was being passed around a womans refuge like a bag of chips (they were raping me!) so now you know why I come across as I do all I knew is they'd lock me in one of the room's with a different woman of say 25 / 26 years old she'd say she had a "present for me" and all I'd know is they wanted me to put my dick inside them again and move it around a fair bit and I felt it and Everything you could imagine happened the raping part you know!
dirtyharry50: Don't make me that old just yet. I'll be 54 next month. ;-)
fr33kSh0w2012: Oh sorry dude your not that old and Also I would like you to understand that when I was 6 years old back in 1989 I was being passed around a womans refuge like a bag of chips (they were raping me!) so now you know why I come across as I do all I knew is they'd lock me in one of the room's with a different woman of say 25 / 26 years old she'd say she had a "present for me" and all I'd know is they wanted me to put my dick inside them again and move it around a fair bit and I felt it and Everything you could imagine happened the raping part you know!
Too much info. This is the kind of stuff you talk to a therapist about, not strangers on an Internet forum.
low rated
Sorry about that!
Remember the clue about how lame bards are, and we all jumped to the conclusion that it was going to be Bard's Tale... and it wasn't? I'm just saying... maybe they're trolling us.