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I now have King's Bounty and Star Wolves. Excellent price. I've been meaning to get King's Bounty for a while. I didn't know about Star Wolves but because of this special I decided to buy it to try it out.
Thanks Katauri. Thanks X-Bow. Thanks 1C. Thanks GOG.
What timing! I just joined the site about a week ago. After perusing the games catalogue, Fantasy Wars and Kings Bounty were definitely two games that had piqued my interest. I figured I'd buy one in September (I try to buy a game a month), but now I'll be buying both in the span of a week. :-)
Post edited September 04, 2010 by HomerSimpson
Come back from holidays and what do i find gog having a sale on some of the games on my wishlist what a way to finish my holiday. Fantasy wars and ufo afterlight straight buy.
I will stay away from these. Fantasy Wars and Kings Bounty have real ugly graphics. And with graphics I'm not talking about technical details, but art direction. It's like they want to use every colour in the palette everywhere.
This game is fantasy of the worst sort. Unimaginative, cliched concepts that the developers put into the game because they think this is how fantasy is supposed to be.
If your idea of an immersive fantasy experience is playing World of Warcraft, then this might be something for you.
If on the other hand when you play a fantasy TBS you want to experience a part of another world, it's tragedy and triumph, you should instead try the opposite type of fantasy TBS, the Age of Wonders series.
Age of Wonders is influenced a lot by AD&D, a lot by other computer games, some by Tolkien and only some by mythology, folklore and history.
But where many other games just throw garbage at you and call it a story, Age of Wonders do create a very intriguing world even if you don't play the campaign game.
Every unit has a description and almost every unit has a unique painted portrait.
The major and minor races are fleshed out, regarding their character, society (if they have any) and more.
And this is very integrated with the gameplay, there is an abundance of tactical and strategic possibilities in this game.
Age of Wonders is the most Tolkienesque game that I have played. Not so much because it features elves and orcs, but because it is set in a richly crafted world and has a serious and somewhat dark tone to it. Not that there isn't any humour in it, but it takes itself seriously.
I recommend Fantasy General (when it is coming here), Heroes of Might and Magic 2 (available here), Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (available here), the Age of Wonders series (when it is coming here, or somewhere else) and Master of Magic (available here) for some great fantasy TBS strategy.
Lords of Magic (TBS with RTS battles) and Disciples 2 is good too and quite atmospheric, but not without their flaws. Then again which games are.
I've heard Battle for Wesnoth (free open source project) is really good too. And then there is the Fall from Heaven mod for Civilization IV which also has had a lot of praise.
Elemental: War of Magic is out now, but I'd recommend to wait a while till they have improved and expanded it. Brad isn't very good at crafting worlds, or stories but at least he is trying to be somewhat original with Elemental. (Galactic Civ II most certainly wasn't) Let's see how this turns out.
Fantasy General, Fantasy Wars and Battle for Wesnoth are wargames where the battles are fought on the strategic map and the focus of the game is on warfare.
The Heroes of Might and Magic series, the Age of Wonders series, Lords of Magic and the Disciples series have their main focus on warfare (conquering cities and other locations), exploration and resource management. When there is a battle it is fought on a tactical map. If you prefer, the battle can autoresolved by the computer. (usually not recomended).
Master of Magic, Fall from Heaven and Elemental are more advanced games, inspired by Civilization. They feature randomly generated maps, more advanced city management among other things.
I wouldn't say more complex is necessarily more advanced. Sometimes the opposite is true.
Blarg: I wouldn't say more complex is necessarily more advanced. Sometimes the opposite is true.

I should have said more complex. Advanced wasn't the right word. But Age of Wonders is a pretty complex game too.
I half gave in to temptation. Bought King's Bounty but at the last minute decided not to get Star Wolves. Now I'll only feel half as guilty for spending money on games when I haven't got the time or money :)
I got King's Bounty because I already own the UFO games. I'm still deciding if I should get Fantasy Wars and Star Wolves.
I hope we get Armored Princess and Crossworlds here too.
Trilarion: The discount is nice, however the early X-COM Ufo games are still much anticipated.
Its funny, but somehow all the changes in the website like the announcements of the promos or whatever come across so impersonal, like from a corporate machine. For me it feels like the cited threads could have been any threads, it wouldn't make the conversation much more human. I guess modern business is very often like this, streamlined. Somehow just something is missing, the personality perhaps. Which is opposite to the members in the community forum. Whatever anyone says, I always have the personal feeling.
Doesn't matter. Just a temporary impression of mine, nothing important.
Keep on making the good offers!

What do you really mean by "Whatever anyone says, I always have the personal feeling."?
I was showing how much I like this store and its community. Guess it's just another case of love and hate, isn't it? For example, how do you feel about Google?
taczillabr: I was showing how much I like this store and its community. Guess it's just another case of love and hate, isn't it? For example, how do you feel about Google?

I'm pregnant with Google.
Google? Hate it so much I can't even express.
Btw GoG - you should start a promo with Douk again and just count the cash.
Bought King's Bounty since I had already heard many good things about it. So I just had to try it myself.
Then I added an impulse buy of UFO Afterlight. Wonder if it's the best of the three UFO games on offer...but what the heck $4.99 isn't that much anyway. Time to experiment a little! :)
taczillabr: What do you really mean by "Whatever anyone says, I always have the personal feeling."?
I was showing how much I like this store and its community. Guess it's just another case of love and hate, isn't it? For example, how do you feel about Google?

Oh, sorry, this sentence was probably hard to understand. Its my lack of understanding english.
But actually you have demonstrated the core of what I wanted to say very well. If I read post of users,e.g. when I red your post, I feel that there is a human on the other end. Its because you express your opinions, your feelings, you basically speak what you think (whatever it is).
With the promo and new release posts (activity and alive posts) of GOG in the last four weeks (the time period since I am here) they lack all this ... its a different kind of language different from what you and I are using.
I don't have a problem with it, although I would prefer a more human interaction.
Actually google is an interesting subject. I use google, I find some of their services quite efficient. I like them. But its basically the same. One thing that I like are the occasional themes of the Google logo linking to an important event, that gives them some personality, but not too much.
To summarize: I like to have relations with the businesses I am dealing with, but I can live perfectly with an impersonal, modern business interface. Just wanted to express my impressions.
Post edited September 06, 2010 by Trilarion
taczillabr: What do you really mean by "Whatever anyone says, I always have the personal feeling."?
I was showing how much I like this store and its community. Guess it's just another case of love and hate, isn't it? For example, how do you feel about Google?
Trilarion: Oh, sorry, this sentence was probably hard to understand. Its my lack of understanding english.
But actually you have demonstrated the core of what I wanted to say very well. If I read post of users,e.g. when I red your post, I feel that there is a human on the other end. Its because you express your opinions, your feelings, you basically speak what you think (whatever it is).
With the promo and new release posts (activity and alive posts) of GOG in the last four weeks (the time period since I am here) they lack all this ... its a different kind of language different from what you and I are using.
I don't have a problem with it, although I would prefer a more human interaction.
Actually google is an interesting subject. I use google, I find some of their services quite efficient. I like them. But its basically the same. One thing that I like are the occasional themes of the Google logo linking to an important event, that gives them some personality, but not too much.
To summarize: I like to have relations with the businesses I am dealing with, but I can live perfectly with an impersonal, modern business interface. Just wanted to express my impressions.

I understand what you're saying, but the news posts which appear on the front page are sort of "official announcements" which have a specific form. That's why it might look like an impersonal piece of news. Remember also that not everyone like our stupid jokes or when a company becomes personal and tries to be too "cool" ;)
Cook: I understand what you're saying, but the news posts which appear on the front page are sort of "official announcements" which have a specific form. That's why it might look like an impersonal piece of news. Remember also that not everyone like our stupid jokes or when a company becomes personal and tries to be too "cool" ;)

Understandable and I guess thats the reason why many businesses remain always this 100% neutral. Actually GOG is a little bit personal when looking at this message that comes when you buy a game or at the about page.
Maybe I can suggest something like a "developer blog" or "meet the stuff" kind of thing or an irc channel for quick support...
Post edited September 06, 2010 by Trilarion