Posted October 20, 2008

"Perhaps we could craft and sign a petition that GOG could show publishers?"
I stated that any such letter should be for GOG team to show to publishers.
Thus any ideas that some of you gathered about GOG community members "annoying" publishers are incorrect.
Aside from that, how can you assume that this would hurt publishers' willingness to re-release titles?
This type of letter is not meant to be fan-boyish and so forth, it is a gesture that I thought we could do on behalf of GOG to give ONLY to GOG team.
I hope this clears up any misunderstanding in regards to my intentions.
Perhaps I did misread. My bad :)
However I think pressuring the GoG Lords would be just a bad. I know a petition isn't necessarily pressure but it can be. I think we should just leave things be for the moment... unless of course a a Big Blue Post comes along telling us to go ahead with it :)