BreOl72: Those two genres are the ones where I want a decent graphical outfit...don't get me wrong, in their time, all those games mentioned above were goodlookers, but those times are over.
Nowadays I want "Wings of Prey" -graphics, I want "Cliffs of Dover"- graphics, I want DCS-games-graphics...
And in driving sims, I want GRID-, NFS SHIFT-, and DiRT-graphics.
I tend to agree. Except maybe for a very few iconic games ( Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe f.i. , whose graphics are every bit as dated as Wing Commander I's, but may still be attractive to a decent number of "collectors" ) , the early flight sims would be impaired by their graphics. Imho, there are quite a few games that , while not on the graphical level of Cliffs of Dover, are still decent enough and have an attractive gameplay ( something Cliffs of Dover failed to deliver ). Battle of Britain 2 ( with its 2.11 upgrade ) , First Eagles 2, Falcon 4.0 for instance. Agreed, the first 2 are still sold elsewhere. Not to mention Combat Flight Simulator 2 & 3 if MS ever understands that these would still sell ( and, no I'm not delusionnal, I don't think we will ever see MS games here )
HereForTheBeer: If not, then my vote goes for Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe, the release of which on gOg would make just about everyone on this forum ecstatic.
I would probably buy it ( because I have that box with the 5.25 floppies on my shelf ) . Yet, the in-flight graphics and the "flight model" are very dated by now. People woul get ectatic for Tie Fighter , but SWOT ? Imho, not so sure that there would be more than a gentle interest ...