Ian: Like I said in the previous discussion, we are discussing a hypothetical, as I cannot see GOG canvassing our views on changes they may / may not make. The lazier peeps would miss more if the forum is split as many would camp in 1 are, eg giveaways if they only want to grab games etc.
I honestly couldn't care less about people who can't be bothered to click the "next" button. If they don't care enough to click "next" they don't get to complain about not finding threads they enjoy.
(Perhaps GOG should have a more sympathetic approach to that particular issue, but I personally don't care what those people say.)
I always click a couple of pages back whenever I visit the forum, but if we had subcategories I'd probably click a few pages more (or at least participate in more discussions) because I wouldn't have to wade through x amounts of threads I don't care about. With subcategories the threads would already be roughly sorted, removing the threads that do not pertain to the category at all.
I think a good compromise would be to keep the main forum page the way it is today (with a collage of categories and discussions), and then add the ability to sort by categories for those who want it. The main page would then remain untouched for those who like to browse through everything, and we would have categories available for those of us who like a more orderly setup.
As for GOG not spending resources on this right now - that's probably true, but if we keep talking about it they will hopefully understand that this is an issue for those of us who visit the forum fairly regularly, which in turn will hopefully make it a higher priority for them. :)