StingingVelvet: I don't want a long debate here but was
this reddit thread known about? Seems to say that as recently as 2013 Steam support staff were promising Steam games would still work if Steam ever shuts down. I always thought that was a total myth.
Yes it's been known about but it's also incredibly vague. Some random tech support staff wrote:
"In the unlikely event of the discontinuation of the Steam network, measures are in placeto ensure that all users will continue to have access to their Steam games."
"Meassures are in place"? What measures? What does that actually mean? Nobody knows. It's not a guarantee because they can't guarantee. It's not even up to them. It's up to the publishers (or more accurately the rights holders). Think about how they'd react if Steam, for whatever reason, unilaterally removed the DRM from their games? Think about how hard it sometimes is for GOG to persuade publishers to do this.
And all this ignores the more likely scenario: Steam gets bought. Gabe retires/dies. Evil Overlord takes over. This is much more likely than Steam going out of business and could potentially be worse.