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Damnation: And yet he still claims he's better than Horus... Horus almost killed the Emperor, damn it!
I hope GW kill him off! :p At least someone will make a Black Crusade campaign with that aim (Black Crusade being a p&p RPG wherein you play a Traitor Marine)
Out of all the special Chaos characters it's Ahriman who has done the most serious damage to the Imperium and the Eldar. He was all but dead until Tzeentch ordered Magnus to spare him. Look at the devastation the bastard has wrought since then. Just as planned.
enterprise2004: I love how squishy the Tau are. In one game, I marched a ten man tact squad from one side of the board to the other, the whole time being shot at by 3 Crysis suits. By the time I made it to CC, only 2 marines were left. They killed all three Crysis suits.
Yeah I was delighted when they introduced the Tau. They made the Eldar look sturdy lol
Post edited May 26, 2011 by Delixe
Delixe: Hey how's it going against the Overfiend of Octavius? Still kicking your multiple asses eh? Sucks to be you. Nids bit off more than it could chew there.
We'll be back, stronger. We always are.

We feed, we grow. We can't be stopped. we don't have a war cry but you think you're safe but one day, when you hold your new baby son in your hands you'll realise that he's not quite right, and you'll know. We're coming. and there's very little you can do to stop us, because the shadow of the warp is close by, and the great devourer has headed it's gaping maw towards you. And your end will come.

or we'll be stopped, and the hive mind will grow stronger with your blood.

Either way, nothing personal, we're just a little peckish.
Damnation: And yet he still claims he's better than Horus... Horus almost killed the Emperor, damn it!
I hope GW kill him off! :p At least someone will make a Black Crusade campaign with that aim (Black Crusade being a p&p RPG wherein you play a Traitor Marine)
Delixe: Out of all the special Chaos characters it's Ahriman who has done the most serious damage to the Imperium and the Eldar. He was all but dead until Tzeentch ordered Magnus to spare him. Look at the devastation the bastard has wrought since then. Just as planned.
Indeed, but not all four Chaos gods would elect him their champion, Khorne would most likely be strongly against the idea, based solely on Ahriman being a sorcerer. Slaanesh might not wish him to be due to the Thousand Sons being dust and all that, same for Nurgle.
cheesetruncheon: We'll be back, stronger. We always are.
Not really. You have already adapted as much as you can with Ork DNA. On the other hand Orks grow quicker than you can eat them while at the same time fightin' keeps making them stronger. When the nids are beaten back from Octavius (and they will be) the Orks that will come out of there will be unbelieveable.
Damnation: Indeed, but not all four Chaos gods would elect him their champion, Khorne would most likely be strongly against the idea, based solely on Ahriman being a sorcerer. Slaanesh might not wish him to be due to the Thousand Sons being dust and all that, same for Nurgle.
Which is why you end up with Abaddon.

Khairn is in charge = Get the boys together. ALL OF EM. We attack Cadia full frontal. I want their guns blocked with the gibblets of dead Chaos Marines.
Ahriman = We sit, we wait, we plot.
Fabius Bile = I couldn't care less, bring me more test subjects
Lucius = Dude I would so hit that.
Post edited May 26, 2011 by Delixe
Delixe: Not really. You have already adapted as much as you can with Ork DNA. On the other hand Orks grow quicker than you can eat them while at the same time fightin' keeps making them stronger. When the nids are beaten back from Octavius (and they will be) the Orks that will come out of there will be unbelieveable.
Damn Orks are OP D: they're all 'hey we grow super fast, also we're the most powerful psykers, we're so powerful we defy the laws of physics' psssht

we don't even get any tanks ; _ ;
cheesetruncheon: we don't even get any tanks ; _ ;
And whose fault is that?

Probably Eldrad.
Delixe: Khairn is in charge = Get the boys together. ALL OF EM. We attack Cadia full frontal. I want their guns blocked with the gibblets of dead Chaos Marines.
Ahriman = We sit, we wait, we plot.
Fabius Bile = I couldn't care less, bring me more test subjects
Lucius = Dude I would so hit that.
Go Lorgar! Even though he's a daemon prince!
cheesetruncheon: we don't even get any tanks ; _ ;
No you get FREAKING BIO-TITANS! Excuse me while I feel sorry for you lol
Post edited May 26, 2011 by Delixe
Delixe: No you get FREAKING BIO-TITANS! Excuse me while I feel sorry for you lol
heh heh heh, yeah we need to produce more.

Bio-Titans as a troop choice plz :P
cheesetruncheon: Bio-Titans as a troop choice plz :P
Quite frankly A couple of Carnifex's and a Trygon is a match for most heavy tanks. Only a Land Raider will give you trouble with the Machine Spirit and massive armor and of course the Baneblade and other super-heavy's. But then if you are playing with super-heavy's you might as well go with the Apocalypse rules. A Harridan divebombing the battlefield while dropping 30(!) Gargoyles is nothing to be sniffed at.
Delixe: Quite frankly A couple of Carnifex's and a Trygon is a match for most heavy tanks. Only a Land Raider will give you trouble with the Machine Spirit and massive armor and of course the Baneblade and other super-heavy's. But then if you are playing with super-heavy's you might as well go with the Apocalypse rules. A Harridan divebombing the battlefield while dropping 30(!) Gargoyles is nothing to be sniffed at.
Yeah, my army is very much smaller units atm, I was going more for a quick melee based army, to fight my freinds Tau. Plus it's a little cheaper ;)
Post edited May 26, 2011 by cheesetruncheon
cheesetruncheon: Yeah, my army is very much smaller units atm, I was going more for a quick melee based army, to fight my freinds Tau. Plus it's a little cheaper ;)
Tau vs Nids is always hilarious. The Nid player is either picked off at range or the Tau are totally wiped out in CC. That's one game that is totally down to dice rolls.
Delixe: Tau vs Nids is always hilarious. The Nid player is either picked off at range or the Tau are totally wiped out in CC. That's one game that is totally down to dice rolls.
We play on a 4ft piece of MDF that he had lying around before he started painting it...

so yeah I pretty much slaughter him earlier on. Last time he aimed all his weapons at my HiveTyrant, he completely ignored the 15 or so Hormagaunts that were barelling down on him.

And his Fire Warriors were bunched in a Circle.

it didn't end well for him, he wants to switch to necrons now.
cheesetruncheon: it didn't end well for him, he wants to switch to necrons now.
Can't imagine that will end any better TBH. Necrons are good Marine killers they don't excell in taking out groups. If I was going up against Nids I would choose Eldar, Orks or Imperial Guard. The Eldar have Shuriken and Scatter multi shot weapons, the Orks have lots of power weapons and BURNA BOYZ and the Imperial Guard? MORTARS!
Delixe: Can't imagine that will end any better TBH. Necrons are good Marine killers they don't excell in taking out groups. If I was going up against Nids I would choose Eldar, Orks or Imperial Guard. The Eldar have Shuriken and Scatter multi shot weapons, the Orks have lots of power weapons and BURNA BOYZ and the Imperial Guard? MORTARS!
Yeah, one of my other friends has some Eldar but we haven''t played yet, i'm interested in seeing how well I fare against him.

I was thinking in Getting Some Imps just for the tanks, they have some pretty cool looking tanks. Then I could also play Starship troopers/alien scenarios