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enterprise2004: Also, there are no models for the other races under the Tau except for the Kroot. If you want humans, you have to do conversion pieces. If you're interested in the Tau Game Rager, pick up their codex from Game Workshop's site. I think there's also a Tau novel coming out soon.
Tht's too bad, I thought them very interesting and fair actually in Fire Warrior.

Some say it sucked but I liked it. I wish they'd make more fps/3ps 40K games.
so guys I play 'Nids. I'ma eat you all now k? thanks.
enterprise2004: Didn't the Tau ally with the Necrons at one point? Or was it the Blood Angels? I think GW is starting to do their own fluffbombs.
I don't think the Necrons can ally with anyone, they aren't known for their diplomacy skills. They are however natural enemies of Chaos and it might be advantagous to support them indirectly.

I think the Farsight conversion came from his story about how he left, he seems to have broken the Tau indoctrination and given all those suits need power he would have to find a new power source somewhere so discovered a tomb world.
GameRager: BTW can you help me out with the issue I linked?
I don't quite understand the problem.
Post edited May 26, 2011 by Delixe
Delixe: I don't quite understand the problem.
I thought memory is suppoed to be paired side by side not with the two 512 mb sticks in the middle and the two 1gb sticks on the outer slots.
cheesetruncheon: so guys I play 'Nids. I'ma eat you all now k? thanks.
Hey how's it going against the Overfiend of Octavius? Still kicking your multiple asses eh? Sucks to be you. Nids bit off more than it could chew there.
enterprise2004: Didn't the Tau ally with the Necrons at one point? Or was it the Blood Angels? I think GW is starting to do their own fluffbombs.
Delixe: I don't think the Necrons can ally with anyone, they aren't known for their diplomacy skills. They are however natural enemies of Chaos and it might be advantagous to support them indirectly.
The Necrons do not ally anyone as they are destroyers of life and basically mindless servants of the C'tan. And they're enemies of Chaos mostly because Chaos are unsettled by them as they are untouched by the Warp. Plus, the fact that Chaos worships the Chaos gods might help a bit :p

Also, anyone else who detest Abaddon?
Delixe: I don't think the Necrons can ally with anyone, they aren't known for their diplomacy skills.
And people act like it's their fault. The Necrons were just minding their own business, taking a nap, when people started playing their rock music too loud. I'd be homicidal too!
Delixe: I don't quite understand the problem.
GameRager: I thought memory is suppoed to be paired side by side not with the two 512 mb sticks in the middle and the two 1gb sticks on the outer slots.
If you have 4 slots they should be in alternate slots. IE slot 1 and slot 3 or slot 2 and slot 4.
enterprise2004: Didn't the Tau ally with the Necrons at one point? Or was it the Blood Angels? I think GW is starting to do their own fluffbombs.
Delixe: I don't think the Necrons can ally with anyone, they aren't known for their diplomacy skills. They are however natural enemies of Chaos and it might be advantagous to support them indirectly.

I think the Farsight conversion came from his story about how he left, he seems to have broken the Tau indoctrination and given all those suits need power he would have to find a new power source somewhere so discovered a tomb world.
GameRager: BTW can you help me out with the issue I linked?
Delixe: I don't quite understand the problem.
I think it may be in the Blood Angels Codex. They and Necrons teemed up to fight Tyranids.

I'm pretty sure the Farsight would die if he tried to take power from a Tomb World. That sort of thing tends to wake all the Necron warriors.
Damnation: Also, anyone else who detest Abaddon?
You mean Failbaddon? 13 Black Crusades means he lost 12 times.
Damnation: Also, anyone else who detest Abaddon?
If I was the Chaos Gods, I would have executed him long ago and would have found a more capable champion.
enterprise2004: I'm pretty sure the Farsight would die if he tried to take power from a Tomb World. That sort of thing tends to wake all the Necron warriors.
Unless Farsight kicked some major Necron arse. Let's be honest here he is the only Tau that wasn't squishy. Hell he was the only Tau to put a damn melee weapon on his Crysis suit.
Damnation: Also, anyone else who detest Abaddon?
Delixe: You mean Failbaddon? 13 Black Crusades means he lost 12 times.
And yet he still claims he's better than Horus... Horus almost killed the Emperor, damn it!
I hope GW kill him off! :p At least someone will make a Black Crusade campaign with that aim (Black Crusade being a p&p RPG wherein you play a Traitor Marine)
Damnation: Also, anyone else who detest Abaddon?
enterprise2004: If I was the Chaos Gods, I would have executed him long ago and would have found a more capable champion.
The issue might be, however, that despite his uselessness, he might be the most competent Undivided Lord :p
Post edited May 26, 2011 by Damnation
enterprise2004: I'm pretty sure the Farsight would die if he tried to take power from a Tomb World. That sort of thing tends to wake all the Necron warriors.
Delixe: Unless Farsight kicked some major Necron arse. Let's be honest here he is the only Tau that wasn't squishy. Hell he was the only Tau to put a damn melee weapon on his Crysis suit.
I love how squishy the Tau are. In one game, I marched a ten man tact squad from one side of the board to the other, the whole time being shot at by 3 Crysis suits. By the time I made it to CC, only 2 marines were left. They killed all three Crysis suits.
GameRager: I thought memory is suppoed to be paired side by side not with the two 512 mb sticks in the middle and the two 1gb sticks on the outer slots.
Delixe: If you have 4 slots they should be in alternate slots. IE slot 1 and slot 3 or slot 2 and slot 4.
Well a tech from Best Buy put thyem that way the moron. I guess i'll alternate them like my manual says when I reset them.