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Ralackk: They could take a page from call of duty(I know hear me out) and have branching character story lines. So you could have your suvival horror fps as the puny PDF trooper, a Callidus assassin and a Space Marine. They could intertwine the storys and switch your role throughout the game so you get to see a battle against chaos from all different perspectives.

Perhaps the PDF would take place earlier on in the story and by time the space marines show up the planet has already fallen to chaos.
klaymen: Or maybe the PDF trooper can die when the planet falls to Chaos and daemon invasion (which would be quite expected from a puny trooper). Then we could play as a Grey Knight or Exorcist Space Marine, instead of Smurfs or Blud Rehvens.

Oh, and lest I forget, less "blood 4 teh blood god" Chaos and more other gods' representation. For example Slaanesh could use some shine in the spotlight. On the other hand the devs should be more careful with Slaanesh, unless they want to attact the "ZOMFG a nipple!!!1 Ban the game nao!!" people.
Sort of like Aliens vs Predator. PDF would be horrifying, you could play as a deamon and hope around on ceilings and stuff and tear apart your enemies, and then you could be a Grey Knight and feel like an unstoppable killing machine with all your Force Weapons and jazz.
enterprise2004: could play as a deamon and hope around on ceilings and stuff and tear apart your enemies...
This sounds to me more like a Lictor or some another agile Tyranid species gameplay.
enterprise2004: could play as a deamon and hope around on ceilings and stuff and tear apart your enemies...
klaymen: This sounds to me more like a Lictor or some another agile Tyranid species gameplay.
Genestealer cult can easily replace Chaos cult, and Deathwatch Marine can replace Grey Knight.
just bought the "assault on black reach" box. #winning (I hope :p)
enterprise2004: Couldn't it be argued that all races are evil in 40K?
I think all races from 40K can be considered evil from a certain perspective but overall they are more motivated by their own gains. Dark Eldar however are the exception as they choose and enjoy doing what they do. If you read the Torturer's Tale it implies they once had a purpose with their experiments but they have long forgotten it. Devouring souls is a way to fight the thirst but they don't need to do it in the amount they do, they simply enjoy it.
I wish there was a real video game equivalent to the tabletop game. I always wanted to play but the idea of purchasing a working army and trying to find time with the local community put me off. I almost bought a Grey Knights set but I put it off (funny, it was just before I joined a different Marine Corps). When I get a working gaming computer again, I'll have to get DoW but its just not the same.
Tulivu: I wish there was a real video game equivalent to the tabletop game. I always wanted to play but the idea of purchasing a working army and trying to find time with the local community put me off. I almost bought a Grey Knights set but I put it off (funny, it was just before I joined a different Marine Corps). When I get a working gaming computer again, I'll have to get DoW but its just not the same.
they wouldn't make nearly as much money off of an actual digital version. so they wouldn't do it. of course doing a kind of cross promotion thing where buying the models gives you a code so that you get both a digital representation and a physical one would keep the hobby going, and get more people actually playing, if they don't have time or locations otherwise.
Tulivu: I wish there was a real video game equivalent to the tabletop game. I always wanted to play but the idea of purchasing a working army and trying to find time with the local community put me off. I almost bought a Grey Knights set but I put it off (funny, it was just before I joined a different Marine Corps). When I get a working gaming computer again, I'll have to get DoW but its just not the same.
cheesetruncheon: they wouldn't make nearly as much money off of an actual digital version. so they wouldn't do it. of course doing a kind of cross promotion thing where buying the models gives you a code so that you get both a digital representation and a physical one would keep the hobby going, and get more people actually playing, if they don't have time or locations otherwise.
Its kind of like trying to find a good D&D experience (I haven't tried D&D online but I assume it is the closest). Tabletop and RPG's are hard to pull off these days especially when you leave highschool. There is one little gameshop in my town tucked underneath a mexican restaurant. Oh well, at least the games they do make are fun. Didn't the first DoW include all races? I will probably start with that.
Dawn of War ended up with all the (at least notable) races by Soulstorm. But most people don't like Soulstorm. Dark Crusade is preferred, but it lacks Dark Eldar and Sisters of Battle.
Taleroth: Dawn of War ended up with all the (at least notable) races by Soulstorm. But most people don't like Soulstorm. Dark Crusade is preferred, but it lacks Dark Eldar and Sisters of Battle.
Well the main reason for that is the plot of Dark Crusade made sense while the plot of Soulstorm made none. There was a tangeable well thought out reason why the Space Marines and the Imperial Guard battled directly when one would assume they would normally combine their forces like in vanilla Dawn of War and Winter Assault. Soulstorm however had the Sisters of Battle and Imperial Guard fighting simply because they started on the same planet. It's not the Sisters' place to start wiping out humans suspected of heresy that's the job of the Inquisition. The Sisters of Battle are supposed to be an inspiration to Imperal forces not judge, jury and executioner. Similarly the Dark Eldar were monumentally stupid to set up shop right next to the Chaos forces when there was a planet with the infinitely more soft and squishy Guard and Sisters to go and plunder. It went against everything we know about Dark Eldar lore.

Most of the fluff abuse in Soulstrom was purely down to Iron Lore developing it instead of Relic. If Relic had developed it the map would have been re-arranged to be far more fluffy and they never would have had that complete drooling idiot Indrik Boreale in charge of the Space Marines. I highly doubt Steel Rain is actually in the Codex Astartes and if it is then he did it wrong. The fact Cyrus in Dawn of War 2 calls the whole campaign a disaster for the Blood Ravens goes some way to showing how Relic felt about Soulstorm. Boreale was even named and Cyrus was not kind about him.
Post edited June 01, 2011 by Delixe
Tulivu: Its kind of like trying to find a good D&D experience (I haven't tried D&D online but I assume it is the closest). Tabletop and RPG's are hard to pull off these days especially when you leave highschool. There is one little gameshop in my town tucked underneath a mexican restaurant. Oh well, at least the games they do make are fun. Didn't the first DoW include all races? I will probably start with that.
DoW vanilla didn't have all races, but with all of the races it got close, but was missing Space wolves, Tyranids and Chaos Daemons if I recall correctly.
Tulivu: Its kind of like trying to find a good D&D experience (I haven't tried D&D online but I assume it is the closest). Tabletop and RPG's are hard to pull off these days especially when you leave highschool. There is one little gameshop in my town tucked underneath a mexican restaurant. Oh well, at least the games they do make are fun. Didn't the first DoW include all races? I will probably start with that.
cheesetruncheon: DoW vanilla didn't have all races, but with all of the races it got close, but was missing Space wolves, Tyranids and Chaos Daemons if I recall correctly.
I'd probably get a combo set, didn't Dark Crusade have Grey Knights? I think there is even a mod that allows you to field a complete GK army.
There are Grey Knights units for the Space Marines. And yes, a mod for a full army.
Tulivu: Didn't the first DoW include all races? I will probably start with that.
Dawn of War:
- Space Marines
- Craftworld Eldar
- Chaos
- Orks
Winter Assault:
- Space Marines
- Craftworld Eldar
- Chaos
- Orks
- Imperial Guard
Dark Crusade:
- Space Marines
- Craftworld Eldar
- Chaos
- Orks
- Imperial Guard
- Tau
- Necrons
- Space Marines
- Craftworld Eldar
- Chaos
- Orks
- Imperial Guard
- Tau
- Necrons
- Dark Eldar
- Sisters of Battle
Dawn of War II:
- Space Marines
- Craftworld Eldar
- Orks
- Tyrannids
Chaos Rising:
- Space Marines
- Craftworld Eldar
- Orks
- Tyrannids
- Chaos
- Space Marines
- Craftworld Eldar
- Orks
- Tyrannids
- Chaos
- Imperial Guard
As a Tyranid guy, I did prefer DoW2.

To me less of a focus on building and more on ordering units about felt more Warhammer-y than all of the base building from DoW1.