GameRager: So no one? Has an answer? To my question above?
It's a 3rd person shooter.
enterprise2004: Space Wolves can use rocket launchers, my local Space Wolves player uses them as his main heavy weapon.
KalarMacBran: Wolves can use the Rocket launcher, But it can't be taken in a Tactical squad. Only Long Fangs and Wolf Scouts can use it. Wolf Guard can take a cyclone missile launcher if there are at least 5 in the squad and it is in terminator armor.( The wolf taking the cyclone that is) Tactical squads are limited to either Flamers, Meltaguns and Plasmaguns. Those are the only specials Grey Hunters can take.
Thanks for the clarification. I don't know much about Space Wolves, I'm not a big fan of the specialty marines. I think it takes focus away from the other races who need updates.