predcon: The games are between seven and fifteen gigabytes each. I can't do that in the five hours allotted to me every morning. If they were piddly little 300MB indie games, I wouldn't have even bothered to write this topic.
HoneyBakedHam: I'm just curious... Who is your ISP?
HughesNet. It was either that or WildBlue. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.
HughesNet + Transfer Cap refreshes every 24hrs
- The cap on my current plan is 450MB
+ The modem seems to be more "user friendly" (i.e. I can actually access the software inside, as opposed to WildBlue's modems, which lock the end-user out)
- Their Technical Support always routes me to an overseas call center, to someone who always wants to send a technician to my account site because he can't figure out the problem using the remote connection tools, because he never passed his A++ certification and doesn't know a coaxial cable from, elbow.
+ If I get "FAPed" (that is, violate the Fair Access Policy and go over my cap), I get one free "Restore Token" a month.
- The free token is used automatically, and if I should get FAPed again, I'm prompted to purchase a three-pack of Tokens for about ten bucks, each of which are used automatically.
+ Multiple satellites for my dish to lock onto, if one's signal is too weak.
- Can't really think of a negative for this one.
WildBlue +The plan that I had when I terminated the account allowed me a 17GB cap.
- It refreshed in a "Rolling" 30-day period.
+ Tech Support was always answered by someone in the States (Please understand, I'm not bigoted. The problem is that there is often a language barrier between someone who speaks English natively and someone who speaks it as a secondary, or even tertiary language).
- The inner workings of the modem were restricted to the end user, namely me, so I couldn't diagnose any of the problems on my own. And if there WAS a major problem with it, one that required replacement of the modem, I was made to wait for the new hardware in the post, install it myself, and hope that the old modem I sent back was received properly, else I be penalized the full cost of the damned thing. It happened once. The box with the old modem was sitting in the warehouse for three weeks, and no one had scanned it in yet. At least HughesNet had a technician come out to my house to take away the old modem when it needed replacement.
- 1/4 as many active satellites as HughesNet
- Weaker dish
Back on topic, I'm just going to wait until Valve applies it's own scheduler to Steam. It's healthy for me to wake up a couple times in the morning. "Early to rise" and all that.