amok: and why is it only now you are bringing this up as this have happened many times before?
xyem: You bring that up multiple times. Why? Isn't it obvious?
This was the first time I knew of it happening.
amok: ohh, I like this thread now. there are many good jokes in this thread. However, your issue is non-existing.
xyem: You missed my point, so you called it a strawman. Then you attempt to diminish my points by calling them jokes?
You like taking things out of context much? I did not miss your at all, you missed mine...
Strawman quote:
"xyem: A whole lot of people think DRM isn't an issue. Or that women are second-class citizens isn't an issue. Just because you don't think it is an issue, doesn't make it a non-issue.
Amok: sigh... strawman? neither of these issues have any relation with this at all. Those are valid issues, this is a made-up non-issue, gog did not censor, they moderated a bit only. "
in which you are diminishing actual important issues and making them equal to this non-issue, you have not convinced me any way what-so-ever that this is an issue worth fighting over.
"xyem: So? Close the topic if you don't like it, which I believe was, oh yes...your logic.
My logic, on the other hand, is you should come here and tell me what you think, what your views on the subject are so we can both learn each others point of view and, hopefully, come to a amicable resolution.
Amok: ohh, I like this thread now. there are many good jokes in this thread. However, your issue is non-existing. "
which is basically where you told me to agree or GTFO. I told you what I think about your topic, and the reasons why I do so. You might not like my reasons, but they are mine and so far you have not managed to convince me to your point of view at all.
To summarise:
This is an non-issue, there is only been some moderation not any censorship.
This is standard practice by gog. It has happened many times before.
This has noting to do with Windows, DRM, gender problems etc.
gog forum is a privately owned forum and they can do as they like.
gog is a business and they must maintain company image, if you want a nice community you need to maintain it, it very rarely happen by chance.