Posted July 28, 2013

Meet Joe, he's a creative artist, when he's at home he can create whatever add he likes. However, when he goes to work he becomes a second class citizen, he loses his right to express himself to the best of his abilities.
Another example: Jack, an average citizen, decides to start a company. the moment he does that he no longer has the same rights he had before.
As far as shouting fire in a crowded theater is concerned, if individuals are not allowed to shout fire in a theater then neither should companies. Never saw a company enter a theater anyway. :)
"Most (if not all) countries already have some restrictions on advertising"
That doesn't mean it''s any good. A lot of countries restrict speech to bare minimum,doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.
Point is individuals express their speech and not vague notions like companies. It's the same with taxes, companies, vehicles, houses do not pay taxes (contrary to popular bureaucratic belief) but individuals do. If you tax profits the consumers, employees and shareholders pay it. If you restrict speech for companies then you restrict speech for individuals who associate with companies (shareholders, employees etc). You're obviously fine with that, I on the other hand am not okay with censorship.