Sulibor: "It's time to kick ass and chew some bubble-gum, and I'm all out of gum..." - His Awesomeness Duke Nukem
Immoli: I don't get the addition of "and I'm all out of gum"
It would make sense if he said "It's time to kick ass OR chew some bubble-gum" because by saying he's out of gum that would mean he is going to kick ass. But with it being AND it means he is going to do both. Well actually...adding the second part in that scenario makes him a liar because he says he is going to chew gum and then says he doesn't have any, meaning he can't....
I think I'm reading too much into it.
Anyway. I believe this was said by Fontaine in Bioshock, though might have be someone else.
"Even in the greatest society, someone has to clean the toilets." Or something like that.
If I recall correctly "Rowdy" Roddy Piper has said that he just happened to have been chewing gum before the scene was shot and the script didn't have a line written for him, just that he should say something. So it was basically adlibed. The original scene - (warning: quite violent)
I don't know if Piper has ever spoken out on his line being reused in DN3D or if he's even aware of it, but actor Bruce Campbell certainly is. As I recall several lines from his turn as Ashely Williams in the Evil Dead series, most notably "Hail to the King, Baby" (from Army of Darkness) were used in Duke Nukem3D, and Campbell has said the creators went beyond "homage" and into downright plagiarism, suggesting that 3D write their own material and that they were lucky he isn't litigious.
PS- a lot of Evil Dead/Army of Darkness lines were also used in "Blood"
Of course this is all pretty much common knowledge amongst old fans, but there's always someone discovering these great old games/movies for the first time :)