PoSSeSSeDCoW: You know, I have never seen you actual address someone's point. You always provide one of two counter-arguments:
No, the reason a small minority of gog users dislike interacting with me is because I am completely devoid of humility. As such, I don't waste any time on pointless bantering, ego stroking, or sugar coating. My statement, and the logic which follows it, are BOTH correct. I am so sure of that, that I am willing to offer a challenge. If ANYONE can, with proper verification, disprove the logic in my statement, I will leave gog and never come back. Of course, if you try and fail, YOU have to leave gog.
I am willing to make that challenge, because I know it cannot be completed. I have a saying, mean what you say, and say what you mean. Pointless, irrelevant conversation is an insult to both the sender and the reciever, and as such, I will not engage in it.
Just because you choose to strictly follow social norms that I do not belief in, you feel you have the right to destroy my infallible logic. But, that very concept is unworkable, since infallible logic by definition is as solid as it gets.
Again, if you use a comparison to "defeat" a factual point, the flaw is in your comparison, not the original fact. People without working spines cannot pole vault. That is a fact.
I am completely tired of this herd mentality/ignorant conversation. I KNOW that most GOG users are teenagers, or foreigners with only a weak grasp of english and logic, yet I let myself make the attempt, time after time, of helping people to learn the basic tenets of logic and debate. But, it always seems to fail.
Just a thought, has it ever occured to you fine people that the reason I do not engage in "debate" with people who try to defeat my points is due to the fact that said people have not offered a vallid counterpoint? Most of the time, since I tend to argue only from the factual point of view, that style of debate makes no sense anyway, since there is no going forward in a debate where I posit that water is wet, and someone else counters by saying that water burns as fire does, and expects me to counter their point, as opposed to drawing continued attention to their misuse of logic and argumentative technique.
Hence, what appears to be arrogance or "trolling" to my ignorant opponent is actually simply a refusal to step off the proper debate path, to engage in petty semantics and rhetoric.
The very first rule of debate/arguments is that both parties mutually understand the terms/concepts. I have ONLY ever tried to hold up my end of the bargain in this regard, but I fear that the failure of most gog'ers to grasp even the BASIC concepts of debate continues to display my confidence on their cave wall as shadows of arrogance.
Walk into the sun, walk into the sun.