El_Caz: KingofGnG and Drowsdoit, you CAN actually dream anything you want once you realize you're dreaming. The trick is not waking up when that happens and try to stay in control.
Even though you know you're dreaming, I can't say it's your conscious self in control of the whole thing, just as if you were awake. You feel a certain kind of freedom, a "do whatever you want" attitude and once you wake up, it doesn't really feel like you were "awake" or calling all the shots in the dream, you still feel like you were detached from the whole thing.
I've been having nightmares lately where I get mugged, but that's a pretty big worry for me right now, since violence is a bit on the rise on my country and a general sense of insecurity is sort of evident. I usually end up defending myself on the dream and making it out alive, though the safest thing to do in real life is give the guy your wallet and get out of his way.
Luckily, I've never had premonitions in my dreams. Once I've had a nightmare, I can go right back to sleep in an instant, since I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen and the whole thing was bogus.
Most of my dreams are also full of crazy shit, like a three fingered extra blue arm growing out of my elbow every time I bent my arm. If dreams have any meaning in the real world, what the hell did that mean?
Only one way to try this out.Go to sleep and then bend the will of my dreams to my own will and get laid with two hot looking drow chicks.