Zeewolf: With the completely hopeless relationship between Codemasters and Bohemia Interactive, I kind of doubt we're going to see Operation Flashpoint again. It seems Bohemia fly into a rage with the mere mention of Codemasters, so I can't imagine them coming to any sort of agreement. Unless someone in the GoG-team have experience from the UN or something.
It's a bit childish really. I can see where they're coming from but it still looks unprofessional to bitch so much about something that makes so little difference if they make a good game. If they'd retained the OFP name for the release of ArmA (making it OFP2), they'd have only done damage to the name because they themselves said they put it out early and rushed to raise money which explains a lot about the quality (or lack thereof) in the game.
By the time they got to making OFP3 (arma 2), they'd lose any benefit gained from the name because they'd have driven off a number of the fans who bought OFP2 on name alone assuming it'd be as good.