Reever: I may have heard his name once or twice, but I only looked him up after someone opened a thread about the new WoW movies' director and somebody wanted Boll to do it :D
Then I looked him up and I got to say....that man has an attitude, it's crazy. I hope this won't worsen GOG's image, lol. But this Q&A might be interesting. Can't say anything about his movies thought, I either didn't saw any or I already forgot about it.
That was me, and I still want him to do it.
Well, no I don't. I want WoW to never have existed so that Blizzard might make some good games, but seeing as that hasn't happened.
ShadowWulfe: I imagine TET has to confer with the GOG Collective (GOGllective?) about any possible legal issues that would spring up.
Law sucks like that.
If people kept it civil during Q&A it would be fairly awesome. If GOG wants to do it but is worried about people flaming Boll, they might do what someone suggested earlier and post their own Q&A (equally awesome).
deathknight1728: Im sure he is a nice guy and everything, but why challenge Michael Bay to a boxing match?
Everytime I get angry at myself, I just read that up on wikipedia.
To be fair Michael Bay is no winner either. For what he did to Transformers, he deserves to get his teeth knocked out in an ill conceived boxing match.
the_bard: Look, Uwe Boll wrote and directed Rampage. Why can't his video game to film adaptations carry the same weight? Ask him.
The main issue I have with him is that he's clearly capable of doing a better job than he generally does with his films.