Wishbone: (Before you say anything, this is speculation on my part)
Delixe: It may only be speculation but it's re-enforced by the sales figures. Any single player game that has been shackled with extreme DRM has utterly tanked. Spore, Command & Conquer 4, Assasins Creed II, Splinter Cell Conviction, Silent Hunter V, Gears of War and Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands have all quickly wound up in the bargain bin.
Mass Effect PC sold pretty well, right? That was the first real taste of Activation-Model Securom (I think Bioshock had it too? And Spore. But which one came first? I only recall MEPC being hard for people to crack, whereas the latter two had 0-days)
Half-Life 2. There was a time when the world feared Steam.
Starcraft 2. A lot of people still don't like the Battle.net DRM
And I think Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory sold fairly well too, but don't quote me on that one. That baby had Starforce.
So two that sold like hotcakes, and one that probably sold fairly well, and one that deserved to sell well.
Maybe it is a better idea to consider the merit of the underlying game, rather than assume PC gamers are capable of not buying something for ideological reasons. I believe Modern Warfare 2 should have taught us that...
Gundato: (and I would argue that a lot of anti-DRM people forget that the devs have incentive to want their work protected, to at least some degree)
Wishbone: I just have to rise to this one, sorry.
Naturally they want their work protected. The problem is that their work
isn't protected, no matter what they do. Most forms of DRM do exactly
nothing to protect games from piracy. The few that have been
temporarily effective have been so draconian towards the paying customers that sales have to have suffered, because people would actually rather wait for a proper pirated version than putting up with the game's DRM. (Before you say anything, this is speculation on my part).
In the end, DRM hurts paying customers, not pirates.
Now, if all games had their DRM patched out completely 2 months after release, when the DRM has been cracked anyway, and the only sales figures the industry cares about have been registered, I could live with it. It would have to be patched out in such a way that, given the patch and the retail disc, you could install the game on any machine with no internet connection. Then, I wouldn't mind. But not all games get this treatment, and there is often no way of knowing in advance whether this will be the case or not.
When DRM can prevent a paying customer from playing the game he paid for, while the pirate next door is playing the same game for free with no problems, the DRM has no justification.
And I partially agree. It is all about a balancing act. It is a matter of quality of game VS inconvenience of DRM. SImple as that. That is why many Ubi games tanked while Half-Life 2 and Starcraft 2 are probably some of the best selling games in history.
And people keep citing Spore: DO we actually have sales figures on that? And I am pretty sure that had more to do with it being "too hardcore for the casual gamers, and too casual for the hardcore gamers"
And as far as the DRM itself: it is effectiveness at curbing 0-day piracy (because that is all anyone really cares about, which is why TW2 had its DRM removed after a week or so) VS the impact on the users (which, while annoying, is nowhere near as bad as many of us like to pretend). Why? For the very reasons we have discussed in this thread. Launch figures are the ones that are used to show how well a game did. Launch revenues are used to pay people. Everything after that is just icing on the cake.
Don't get me wrong, I dislike UbiDRM (and laughed at how easy it was for the Scene groups to use the Ubi content servers).
My only point was that many of the vehemently anti-DRM people really forget that behind those faceless games are people who worked their asses off for years of their lives and would really prefer not to see a Reloaded Release on top of Pirate Bay.
You can be anti-DRM (I actually am, believe it or not). Just understand that there are good reasons behind it, even if you have to spin it as "It is like a security blanket that falsely makes the idiots believe that monsters won't eat them"