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jefequeso: DA FUK????????

Actually, come to think of it, Blizzard's games really should have a medical warning. "Warning: This game has been known to cause horrifying parental neglect, severe health problems, and in extreme cases, even death."

Just Joe Baca (D-Rialto, CA) again. He does this every session of Congress. Nobody takes him seriously anymore.
Damnit Baca, not again.
At what point are we going to get a basic competency test for politicians? Oh wait...must be an election year...

Mass Effect 3 may contain:

Alien sex
Gay sex
Sex sex
TVs_Frank: Warning!

Mass Effect 3 may contain:

Alien sex
Gay sex
Sex sex
Most sex leads to disappointment.
I thought that this bill was already challenged and rejected at least two years ago. Who wrote it this time?

If it's Leland Yee, I'm gonna facepalm hard.

EDIT: Joe Baca and Frank Wolf??? Sons of bitches...
Post edited March 20, 2012 by POLE7645
TVs_Frank: Warning!

Mass Effect 3 may contain:

Alien sex
Gay sex
Sex sex
michaelleung: Most sex leads to disappointment.
I was going to put in parentheses: (disappointment not a direct result of sex for once)
TVs_Frank: Warning!

Mass Effect 3 may contain:

Alien sex
Gay sex
Sex sex
michaelleung: Most sex leads to disappointment.
That's only because you haven't met me.
Yeah this is pretty stupid to us, but it highlights the general distrust of older people (that is, 60+) towards video games. Most don't understand video games any more than they understand the series of tubes that carry their interwebs. In Australia they are even more paranoid towards video games, I guess we should be thankful that the US is more friendly because almost all our games come from there :)

But there is the issue of addiction when it comes to games but one can't look at video game addiction on the same level as tobacco addition or other substances. The latter is a physiological addition that, when the body is deprived, causes real and sometimes serious side effects. An addiction to WoW is a psychological one, if you take someone off it they might be depressed but that's about it. And probably because they were depressed beforehand because they spent all day getting t-bagged by Night Elves. My source is firsthand experience :)

And as for violence, that's just silly. Look at crime rates in the US pre-90s, right before the console revolution. It's easy to see on the graph just below that there is a huge drop. Was it the Super Nintendo that actually reduced crime? With no evidence I can say absolutely!

Parvateshwar: Yeah this is pretty stupid to us, but it highlights the general distrust of older people (that is, 60+) towards video games. Most don't understand video games any more than they understand the series of tubes that carry their interwebs. In Australia they are even more paranoid towards video games, I guess we should be thankful that the US is more friendly because almost all our games come from there :)
If video games were a "new" thing, then you would have a point. But they're not. The original Atari came out in the mid-ish 70's. That's nearing on 40 years of video gaming. There is very little legitimate argument for not having at least a modicum of a clue at this point other than willful ignorance.

A 60 year old at this point probably bought a NES or Atari 2600 for their kids.
Parvateshwar: Yeah this is pretty stupid to us, but it highlights the general distrust of older people (that is, 60+) towards video games. Most don't understand video games any more than they understand the series of tubes that carry their interwebs. In Australia they are even more paranoid towards video games, I guess we should be thankful that the US is more friendly because almost all our games come from there :)

But there is the issue of addiction when it comes to games but one can't look at video game addiction on the same level as tobacco addition or other substances. The latter is a physiological addition that, when the body is deprived, causes real and sometimes serious side effects. An addiction to WoW is a psychological one, if you take someone off it they might be depressed but that's about it. And probably because they were depressed beforehand because they spent all day getting t-bagged by Night Elves. My source is firsthand experience :)

And as for violence, that's just silly. Look at crime rates in the US pre-90s, right before the console revolution. It's easy to see on the graph just below that there is a huge drop. Was it the Super Nintendo that actually reduced crime? With no evidence I can say absolutely!

As far as I know, psychological addictions can actually give you withdrawal symptoms quite similar to what you'd get with a physiological addiction such as drugs or alcohol, because there's still a physiological element to it (especially where endorphins are concerned. Which is why it's possible for someone to be honestly addicted to sex. More than would be normal for a healthy human being, I mean :P)

But that's neither here nor there, because it's possible to get psychologically addicted to just about anything, and thus it's nearly impossible to have warning labels for all possible "threats." This does bring up an interesting question about how Blizzard's games should be treated, however. Because they use very calculated psychological manipulation to keep players "addicted" to their games. Facebook games do the same thing, if much less subtly. It's not like this should be illegal, or even that it's a bad thing (that's half of what makes things like Diablo so much fun). But then again, it's something that people really should be aware of (perhaps not through ham-handed warning labels, though). It's been proven that just as there are some people who can't use alcohol responsibly, there are some people that don't play WoW responsibly--sometimes to a very severe extent.
I'm pretty sure a previous attempt at something like this was shot down.
Parvateshwar: Yeah this is pretty stupid to us, but it highlights the general distrust of older people (that is, 60+) towards video games. Most don't understand video games any more than they understand the series of tubes that carry their interwebs. In Australia they are even more paranoid towards video games, I guess we should be thankful that the US is more friendly because almost all our games come from there :)
Fomalhaut30: If video games were a "new" thing, then you would have a point. But they're not. The original Atari came out in the mid-ish 70's. That's nearing on 40 years of video gaming. There is very little legitimate argument for not having at least a modicum of a clue at this point other than willful ignorance.

A 60 year old at this point probably bought a NES or Atari 2600 for their kids.
I'm not sure that's really not a fair statement to make. Although we of the internet are aware that the "videogames cause violence" platform is shaky at best, anyone that gets their information from mainstream news sources is never going to hear anything contrary to that. Not "willful ignorance" as much as lack of knowing that there's even another side to the issue.

Maybe, at least. I'm just playing devil's advocate :P
jefequeso: I'm not sure that's really not a fair statement to make. Although we of the internet are aware that the "videogames cause violence" platform is shaky at best, anyone that gets their information from mainstream news sources is never going to hear anything contrary to that. Not "willful ignorance" as much as lack of knowing that there's even another side to the issue.

Maybe, at least. I'm just playing devil's advocate :P
I do think it's a fair statement. By not taking the time to do their own research and come to their own conclusions, they are being willfully ignorant, IMO. Simply because the tv tells them something doesn't mean it's actually true.

Even though I'm one of the stupidest people on the planet, I have very little tolerance for stupidity. That goes doubly for those who base their belief structure on what the demagogues say. >.<
TVs_Frank: Warning!

Mass Effect 3 may contain:

Alien sex
Gay sex
Sex sex
michaelleung: Most sex leads to disappointment.
I thought that was most marriage (which implies a lack of sex).