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Politicians should also come with warning labels.

Warning: Exposure to politicians has been linked to wasting of tax-payer money
Roman5: Politicians should also come with warning labels.

Warning: Exposure to politicians has been linked to wasting of tax-payer money
-Carlo Delallana

EDIT: Geeze, how much Congressional time do we have to waste?
Post edited March 20, 2012 by PhoenixWright
Really? The video game industry has failed to keep people informed of the content of the games? Here's an idea, grab an R-Rated DVD and an M-Rated game and just... look at the covers for a bit. What do you see? On the DVD you see the movie name, a cool cover and maybe a blurb about how awesome it is. On the game you have all of that... and a note telling you what the game is rated, and on the back it tells you why it was rated as such. You should be taking the MPAA to task for the same thing. Also the whole bribing people to vote on stuff that would benefit you.
No worries, it will probably never get passed.

Even if it does, it would change nothing. I do think the US politicians should focus their energies on more pressing matters though. This is just a silly waste of time and effort.
Post edited March 20, 2012 by Skystrider
vagina face HA!
The Nanny State mentality is alive and well, overseen by lying, narcissistic prats disguised as politicians.

♪ Hey ! Preachers ! Leave them games alone ! ♪
Post edited March 20, 2012 by Kezardin
We need warning labels for games that have DLC. And possibly for games which feature XBox Live.
I would support this notion, only if it also included the positive effects of gaming.
See , [url=]here and here.
Maybe someone should send them those articles?
"WARNING: Exposure to violent video games has been linked to aggressive behavior"
But that's not true. There's no concrete evidence showing that's the case. Any proof that there is any link is anecdotal at best.
"WARNING: Exposure to violent video games has been linked to aggressive behavior"
michaelleung: But that's not true. There's no concrete evidence showing that's the case. Any proof that there is any link is anecdotal at best.
You're right, but most people don't bother to actually read the studies done on video games. Instead, they'll read a blurb about it in a newspaper, website or magazine and automatically take everything written as gospel.

Most of the video game-related studies are ridiculously inept. For instance, a famous one several years ago had two groups: one played Myst and the other played Wolfenstein 3D. Yes, even at the time of this study, both games were woefully outdated.

The Myst players engaged in puzzles and... that's pretty much it. The Wolf3D people, on the other hand, were given a noise blast whenever they lost or died.

The study then went on to say that the gamers who played the violent video game (i.e. Wolfenstein 3D) showed aggressive tendencies, while the Myst players didn't. Of course, what some people failed to realize is that anyone will eventually get violent (or at least angry) when someone else blasts noise in their ears.

I know I'd react angrily if someone did that, whether or not I was playing a video game.
"WARNING: Exposure to violent video games has been linked to aggressive behavior"
michaelleung: But that's not true. There's no concrete evidence showing that's the case. Any proof that there is any link is anecdotal at best.
Indeed. And I'll fucking maim, disembowel and decapitate anyone who says otherwise.

Meh. With the onslaught of digital sales it'll be some click-through policy that nobody reads, just like the EULA.
Post edited March 20, 2012 by HereForTheBeer
Roman5: Politicians should also come with warning labels.

Warning: Exposure to politicians has been linked to wasting of tax-payer money
PhoenixWright: -Carlo Delallana

EDIT: Geeze, how much Congressional time do we have to waste?
All the time in the world, apparently. But this should not even be news. It is the sixth time Rep. Baca has introduced the same damn bill. It will be the sixth time it goes nowhere.
If it makes you guys feel any better, this already happened (and was shot down) in California, and I think at least one other state.

Most likely the same thing will occur. The law is shut down because the studies are all inconclusive, and because similar labels would have to be placed on movies, music, tv and books, which in the same studies showed a stronger link to violence.
DA FUK????????

Actually, come to think of it, Blizzard's games really should have a medical warning. "Warning: This game has been known to cause horrifying parental neglect, severe health problems, and in extreme cases, even death."

Post edited March 20, 2012 by jefequeso