kavazovangel: And it will run them better, as the OS is even more optimized than Windows 7, and uses less system resources.
kavazovangel, we
know by now that you perceive Windows 8 as the next best thing since sliced bread. There certainly is no need to repeat that in every single thread where Windows 8 happens to be mentioned, especially when your praise is (a) actually detracting from the question that the thread asked, and (b) plain wrong in its generality (see TheJoe's statement).
I think grynn already answered the question. In theory, no additional conversion should be necessary - games that run on Windows 7 _should_ run on Windows 8 as well. How it turns out practice, we'll have to wait and see. There may be some roadblocks (TheJoe mentioned a potential one), but we can't tell yet whether these will persist through the official release.