GoodGuyA: Only one video and a few screenshots of concept art with untextured models? That does not instill hope in me for this particular project. One's gotta be suspicious of the credentials too. Unique Uniques is a model replacer for Skyrim, not exactly a technological feat to try and achieve which would prove to me that the game is worth investing in. I like the funds transparency, but I really don't think this unshaven team of mod-makers really has that much of an idea of scope... Especially half a million dollars of scope.
The main guy is the one who pulled off the large-scale mod Return to Sancre Tor. Between that project and his day job, he does have an idea of the scope and the time. He has partnered with a core team that has a well-rounded collection of key skills.
You're free to be sceptical, especially if you've only taken a quick look. I've corresponded with these guys for several years, seen how they work with teams, how they approach workflow, how they handle deadlines, quality, testing, etc.
Like I said, my testimonial is that they're only the second project I've backed, because I do know enough to trust them.
Only time will tell, of course, but they have my support.