Mentalepsy: Yeah, some of the weapons in 2k4 are kinda fail. The assault rifle just sucks compared to UT's enforcer,
If you dual wield the assault rifle, it's actually pretty deadly. Also, the grenades it launches pack a hefty punch, but are hard to hit with. Good for firing behind you when running away though.
Mentalepsy: and the link gun doesn't have the punch that something so annoying to use should have (I guess it's mainly meant for its linkup function in team games, but nobody ever uses that, either).
Right, the only time anyone actually uses the link gun for linking, is when building power nodes in Onslaught.
Mentalepsy: The bio rifle does do a lot of damage if used properly, but it's rather specialized, and it's not too hard to avoid the globs (though it can slow someone down if they're chasing you).
Yeah, running away is about all the bio rifle is good for. Using it when chasing someone is just suicide. One exception, if you charge up the secondary fire completely, and then manage to get close enough to someone to hit them in the face with it, that's an instant kill.