dudalb: I think is more of an "Establishment sucks:" comment, which may or may not be true, but does not add much in the way of a solution
Problem is there is no real way of figuirng how many people have given up,are taking early retirement, etc.
I'm also not sure that it provides a method to track the self-employed who have become, for lack of a better term, self-UNemployed should the business fail. For instance, I don't report to anyone that I'm working or not. My customers are supposed to submit 1099s to the IRS to report their payment(s) to me (my pre-tax and pre-deduction income), but only about 10-20% actually do. If I close up shop then what the government will see is that I am no longer being reported on those few 1099s, and that I'm no longer paying my quarterly estimated tax. While they might make the connection if they see (through required reporting) that I took a job somewhere, they would otherwise have no way of knowing if I gave up working and am unemployed, retired early, took an extended vacation or sabbatical, etc.
I think the main point, though, is that the U3 is not a particularly good measure to use since the base labor pool number is highly dependent on government reporting based in part on those claiming unemployment. But, we're stuck with it since that's what they
all use, inaccurate though it is. Any new administration could decide, upon inauguration or soime other time, to use one of the more accurate metrics, and explain what the measure means and why to use that number instead.
But then the problem is public perception. Suppose President Feelgood makes the change to use, say, U6. There will be a boatload of people who never understand what happened and will then say, "As soon as President Feelgood came into office, the unemployment rate spiked 4.7 points!"