rampancy: As opposed to the thoughtful, rational and balanced posts you've made here before? Because I'm sure I'd expect nothing but objectivity from someone with the user title of "Liberal? Burn."
Please quote a "rational thoughtful" piece from a liberal, and an "irrational unthoughtful post" I've made recently. Are we talking about the thread where I assert passively I don't like homosexuals, but where I quite objectively note I may have been biased, and still was demonized? Or are we talking about the thread I argued with orcishgamer about capitalism?
At how often I've had to hear liberals frothing at the mouth about bigotry of minorities and gays, and the poor, poor poor (who don't even seem to be literate from what we've seen of them on occupy wall street), I've earned the right to have that subtitle in my profile. If someone is a moderate liberal then I'm sorry that they've been caught in the crossfire, but if they're hard left they can simply fuck off. I don't care enough to even respect them on a basic level and shouldn't as they've never respected me. You're definitally hard left.
Pfft, it's even worse than I thought. You represent me as some biased republican puppet, but you don't even have the decency to quote an actual counterargument, instead, a fucking internet demotivational. I had assumed this was an article and was about to read it.
But yet, I am biased conservative puppet.
I think it's funny how the OP seems to know nothing about how this works and is suggesting that it's propaganda. Which it isn't, anybody who really cares about those figures knows how they're tabulated.
Don't post bullshit, or at least be prepared for a clusterfuck if you do. Don't go crying that I'm a troll or something if you can't show respect.