A mildew-ridden cloth doll. As I reached in and picked it up, a vision overcame my senses of the past this doll has seen. The dungeon I was in, now a young girl's room in a modest stone abode, the chest now a simple dresser by a bed.
Suddenly, bandits stormed the home, slaying her parents in the other room. The girl awakens to the shrill screams of her mother being slaughtered and her father's yell as he attempts to protect his family. She scrambles for her dolly that lay on the dresser just as the bandits enter her room. They look down at the little girl, now cowering in the corner and clutching the doll to her chest. Grinning, a bandit tosses the girl over his shoulder and they leave the home to return to the camp.
Now at the camp, the girl is faced with the bandit leader, deciding what to do with her. He tells her she can be as his own daughter or she can be cast out to die. Reluctantly, the girl stays with the bandits and spends several years growing up as the leader's daughter until one day...
She awakens to find her leader slain in his bed, blood trickling to the floor and the blankets coated thick in the red liquid. A lower bandit managed to gather the courage to rise against him in order to rescue the young woman from her coerced familial ties. She takes her doll from a bag nearby and the two run off under the dark of night and escape to a dank cave by a calm river a couple of miles away from the camp. Curious why he did the deed, all the young man had to say was, "Unrequited love". He said no more.
The next day, they left the cave knowing the bandits would be on the look out for the bandit and daughter responsible for their leader's death. They managed to make it to a walled town a few days later, foraging for food and making use of the river as they went.
Once in the town, they tried to make a living doing what they could. He would hunt and sell the meat and fur from his kills, she would sew clothing and weave material for the townspeople. However, they knew their livelihood couldn't last, and one day their fears came to fruition as the bandits they ran from came upon the town en force, with a swell of new-blood and other tribes to back them up.
As the town came under heavy attack, the two lovers made sure to grab the weathered doll and swiftly retreated to the keep at the rear of the township and were escorted inside for protection. Having heard the cries of those in need outside, they went underground to the dungeon in the hopes that the bandits would not think to search there and locked themselves in a cell, just in case.
Inside the cell was a box, and the young woman placed her companion through all her life, the doll, inside the container. She proceeded to use a strip of her dress and created a makeshift lock for the box, making sure the bandits could not retrieve it.
The bandits never made it down to the dungeon. The people of the town never returned either, and so the two lived the rest of their brief lives inside the dungeon cell in each other's embrace until time took them from one another.
The vision ends and I see the skeletons of the lovers in the corner, eternally embraced.