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Ulemoon – Aequus Nox: Character Creation
The Caravan Driver looks at your party with disinterest, his clothes betraying his line of work. He is swathed in lavish silks, all embroidered with tightly woven designs. Copper rings studded with Jade adorn every finger, with matching brooches pinning his fine clothes about his lean body. The merchant draws back the wagon’s curtain revealing bolts of fabric, jewellery and amphora filling racks from floor to ceiling. He is clearly a shrewd man; his cut-throat personality has brought him many rewards, but most likely enemies as well.
Character creation is a rather complicated business, which if you’ve not done before can be rather daunting. In D&D the process is something which the DM needs to help the player through, but unfortunately I can only be so much help.
Please see the OoC Disscussion topic for more information about this Adventure.
Links to all the related topics:
Ulemoon – Aequus Nox: RPG Thread
Ulemoon – Aequus Nox: OoC Disscussion
Basic Character Creation – For New Players
Luckily someone in the big ether of the internet has made an NPC Character Generator. If you know nothing about making a Character for D&D but want to join in, this will be the best option for you.
Please find the Character Generator here.
And my instructions to fill it in here.
Once you have done so, feel free to change the character’s name and then simply post the results in this topic. If you have any questions or wish to change bits and pieces to do with the character we can sort that out here. Ultimately you will have a finished character and you’ll then be able to start Role Playing!
Advanced Character Creation – For Experienced Players
If you know how to fill out a character sheet for D&D 3.5, including skills and all the other fiddly stuff for spell casters, then please feel free to do so! You have several options, but remember the character will need to be posted in this topic. So if you actually fill out a character sheet you’ll need to produce screen shots or scans so I know what you’re playing with.
The easiest method is this Java Script sheet here
For this one please use Point Buy up to a total of 25 points assigned on your basic stats. Also your character should start at level 1, with no prestige classes etc, just create a classic character (so to speak)
Please find the Character Sheet for 3.5 here (PDF)
If you know what you’re doing, feel free to fill in one of these.
This will be sorted out once you have your character. Please ask for what you would like, within reason, and it will be assigned to you. Don’t think you have to trawl through lists of weapons and armour etc just state what you want the character to have and the DM will worry about the stats.
Everyone will start with 20 Copper.
Post edited April 17, 2009 by Romulus
Okay, it REALLY didn't like me trying to paste the character I made with the java generator so I DOCified it for easier reading. Allow me to present miss Ariana Song.
I didn't seem to get Weapon Proficiency Elf which half elves should. I'm hoping we can assume that I have it since otherwise the longbow I selected would be pretty useless.
I tried to keep her equipment as realistc as possible for a 1st level character, a pair of weapons, cheap armour & a few nick-nacks (as in bits & pieces, not the midget from Man With The Golden Gun)
If there's any problems with the character, let me know and I'll re-do it. hell might even change class, if this is anything like every other D&D party I've ever been in, noone will want to play a cleric...
You have a perfect character there Aliasalpha, I can't fault you on it! I'll get the adventure thread going so we can start, adding players as they produce characters. Thanks for the speedy creation :)
Hmm, now for the tough choice... a fighter who rushes into anything and everything, completely ignoring the danger of traps (in fact claiming that "Bah, I'm stronger than any of ye wussies, it'll take more than a few spikes or a cloud of gas to bring me down!", and then promptly falling down and needing to be healed or resurrected), or the monk that kicks enemies through the room, having them fly through the wall on the other side (magical fists, natural armor, and immunity to poison after a few levels, among other things).
... both are favourites of mine in the Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale (which, yes, I know, runs on AD&D, not D&D 3E).
Hmm... I'll take the monk, for now.
Maighstir, male half-orc Mnk1: CR 1; Size M (6 ft., 0 in.
tall); HD 1d8-1; hp 7; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11; Attack +3
melee, or +1/+1 monk, or +0 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will
+3; AL LG; Str 16, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 8.
Languages Spoken: Common, Orc.
Skills and feats: Balance +4, Diplomacy +1, Hide +0, Listen
+1, Move Silently +0, Spot +5, Tumble +2; Improved
Initiative, [Improved Unarmed Strike], [Stunning Fist].
Possessions: 900 gp in gear.

Is alignment shown anywhere in that character sheet? I know you can chose it, but it doesn't seem to be shown, as far as I can see. Anyhow, I think I've settled on Lawful Good. EDIT: Ah, there: AL LG
EDIT: Bah, can that, dexterity is important, take this one instead:
Maighstir, male half-orc Mnk1: CR 1; Size M (6 ft., 0 in.
tall); HD 1d8; hp 11; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14; Attack +3
melee, or +1/+1 monk, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will
+4; AL LG; Str 17, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 15, Cha 3.
Languages Spoken: Common, Orc.
Skills and feats: Climb +5, Concentration +4, Escape Artist
+6, Hide +2, Knowledge (Religion) +4, Listen +2, Move
Silently +2, Sense Motive +4, Spot +2; [Improved Grapple],
[Improved Unarmed Strike], Toughness.
Possessions: 900 gp in gear.

Yeah, I know, I don't function very well socially (3 charisma, kind of like in real life), but we'll just have to work on that, right?
Post edited April 13, 2009 by Miaghstir
Miaghstir: Yeah, I know, I don't function very well socially (3 charisma, kind of like in real life), but we'll just have to work on that, right?

Okay thats cool, what equipment would you like?
Miaghstir: Yeah, I know, I don't function very well socially (3 charisma, kind of like in real life), but we'll just have to work on that, right?
Romulus: Okay thats cool, what equipment would you like?

Hmm, are we ignoring the bare necessities (needing a bedroll and perhaps a blanket to sleep, food rations to eat every few hours, a waterskin for drinking water, flint and steel to create a fire and cook hunted food, a backpack to carry the stuff in), and just focusing on more specialised gear (spells, weapons, armour)?
Excepting the necessities, I think a quarterstaff and a sling with a stack or two of bullets will do nicely. I don't have the skills to use armour, and as a monk many of my abilities require unhindered movement. A few torches or a lamp or lantern and oil may be handy when crawling through dark dungeons.
... I don't know what we may need really, nor how detailed we need be in our descritions and how much is assumed to "just work the way it should".
I do have the 3.5E rulebooks (Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual), so I can look some things up (at least those that do not differ between them and your campaign), but other players may not be so lucky.
Post edited April 15, 2009 by Miaghstir
Romulus: Okay thats cool, what equipment would you like?
Miaghstir: Hmm, are we ignoring the bare necessities (needing a bedroll and perhaps a blanket to sleep, food rations to eat every few hours, a waterskin for drinking water, flint and steel to create a fire and cook hunted food, a backpack to carry the stuff in), and just focusing on more specialised gear (spells, weapons, armour)?
Excepting the necessities, I think a quarterstaff and a sling with a stack or two of bullets will do nicely. I don't have the skills to use armour, and as a monk many of my abilities require unhindered movement. A few torches or a lamp or lantern and oil may be handy when crawling through dark dungeons.
... I don't know what we may need really, nor how detailed we need be in our descritions and how much is assumed to "just work the way it should".
I do have the 3.5E rulebooks (Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual), so I can look some things up (at least those that do not differ between them and your campaign), but other players may not be so lucky.

I'd like you to list even the mundane items yes, just so I know how much stuff your carrying. Detail for your items isn't important unless you want to have something, like some family heirloom which you feel is important to your character.
Have a look through the rule book by all means, most stuff in there is okay to pick.
Just a note to everyone:
I'm sorry this is taking a while to get started, I'm having to finish off a painting project I've set myself before I can get this started, otherwise my time will be too divided. But don't worry I'm cracking on with it. Plus I'm kind of hoping for at least 2 more players, but I can add people as they appear, assuming they do :)
Romulus: I'm sorry this is taking a while to get started, I'm having to finish off a painting project I've set myself before I can get this started, otherwise my time will be too divided. But don't worry I'm cracking on with it. Plus I'm kind of hoping for at least 2 more players, but I can add people as they appear, assuming they do :)

Maybe you should combine the activities, paint a campaign map!
:( I'm trying! Give me 48 hours.
Romulus: :( I'm trying! Give me 48 hours.

Not ONE second longer or I'll... well... probably do nothing really because its not that big of a deal
Very well. Included are descriptions, for people without the rulebooks and who want to know why a certain item might be useful.
a monk's outfit seems to fit nicely
Sling, and 20 bullets
Backpack, containing:
5 trail rations, 1 ration per day, I have no idea of when we'll find an inn or tavern... I'll just have to hope we can hunt or gather food if we're out longer
Flint and steel, for making up camp fire
Bedroll, for not having to sleep on bare ground
Blanket, for warmer sleep in winter (if it isn't winter when the adventure starts, perhaps enough time will pass for it to become winter - ignore if we're in some warm country without cold winters)
Hooded lantern, for lightning up dark tunnels
4 1-pint flasks of oil, for the lantern (that should be enough for 24 hours of consecutive light)
5 potions of cure light wounds, or 2 healing kits, depending on what the DM permits and if I have the skills to use the healing kit. I'm pretty sure I will get wounded, and a way to treat them is needed.
I haven't thought of a personal story yet, so I don't have any family heirlooms.
I'm no good at planning, but this seems to me to be half-decent packing.
Post edited April 15, 2009 by Miaghstir
Miaghstir: 5 potions of cure light wounds, or 2 healing kits, depending on what the DM permits and if I have the skills to use the healing kit. I'm pretty sure I will get wounded, and a way to treat them is needed.

Hmmm, everything else is fine, but I'm going to allow you 1 healing kit (which can be refilled and used on anyone) and 1 potion. The potion (traditionally D&D speaking) would be expensive item in my world. You're not to know that, but to have 5 would kinda of make you a hundredaire if not a thousandaire.
For this game it'll be a tonic which your monastery brews, which only works upon yourself; as your body has been rigorously trained and this potion is tuned to your physiology.
Aliasalpha: Not ONE second longer or I'll... well... probably do nothing really because its not that big of a deal

Thanks for understanding :) I'll get it going soon. I'm convincing Draedalus to join in too, as I can hassle him in person XD
Post edited April 15, 2009 by Romulus
Miaghstir: 5 potions of cure light wounds, or 2 healing kits, depending on what the DM permits and if I have the skills to use the healing kit. I'm pretty sure I will get wounded, and a way to treat them is needed.
Romulus: Hmmm, everything else is fine, but I'm going to allow you 1 healing kit (which can be refilled and used on anyone) and 1 potion. The potion (traditionally D&D speaking) would be expensive item in my world. You're not to know that, but to have 5 would kinda of make you a hundredaire if not a thousandaire.
For this game it'll be a tonic which your monastery brews, which only works upon yourself; as your body has been rigorously trained and this potion is tuned to your physiology.

Perfectly understandable, I could not find much information about potions, the only thing I found was "Vial, ink or potion - 1 gp - 1/10 lb" in the list of adventuring gear, though a vial doesn't contain much liquid, which is why I had 5 of them, each would be emptied on a single use. And yeah, 20 uses of healing kit is probably too much, especially if the other players items or abilities of similar use, or simply won't get hurt.
I may not be cute, but I can be kind nonetheless, I hope the half-elf do not have too much animosity against me :-)
Post edited April 15, 2009 by Miaghstir
Hormwharr (Horms) Kengt,
Male Human Fighter
Chaotic Neutral
CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 8 in.tall);
HD 1d10+2; hp 12; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12; Attack
+3 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will -1; AL LG;
Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 10.
Languages Spoken: Common, Undercommon.
Skills and feats: Climb +6, Hide +2, Jump +4, Listen -1,
Move Silently +2, Perform (Percussion Instruments) +2, Ride
+4, Spot +0, Swim +4; Blind-Fight, Cleave, Power Attack.
I will be playing very neutrally. And you betcha I will be chaotic, In character of course.
draedalus: Anygood?
I will be playing very neutrally. And you betcha I will be chaotic, In character of course.

Thats fine, now, what equipment would you like?