boredwrk: go away.
Is there really any need for political rants on GOG? Anyone as blindly against one party as you seem to be is never going to view things neutrally or change their opinions. They've already made up their mind and nothing will ever change it.
Personally, I think that's a sad state of affairs, but it seems to be more and more common now that the internet allows people to stick in their own political bubbles and avoid exposure to any kind of challenging or opposing views. Simply sniping at the other side and patting each other on the back in self contratulating ways.
Do you really think things would be much different if another party had been in power for the past 10 years? The same world event s would have happened, and most of the same responses would have occured. There might be a few small cosmetic differences to individual policies, but if you think the country would be a dramatically different place then I think you're fooling yourself.
17 years of a conservative government and people were saying the exact same things. then 10 years of a labor government and it's the same thing again. 10 years of a conservative government and it'll be the same thing again.
Simple fact is that politicians don't have much power, and can't have much effect. They're simply trying their best to weather the unpredictable events of the world.
Blind people ranting on either side of the political divide are sometimes a funny sight, but I don't think we need to fill up GOG with that rubbish.
Whichever party forms the government, nothing will change, and people will be wanting to get rid of them in 10 years or less. Bet on it.
Says the anonymous poster :facepalm:
Bet you're a Labourite. Amirite, Gordon?
And did you even BOTHER to read what I wrote? Because most of your comments say you didn't. Please "go away in short, jerky movements" yourself if you can't respond civilly and with VALID points.
As for here, this is "General Discussion" isn't it? "Off Topic" as it were? Plenty of non-game related issues here, and this subject is just as valid as "OMG! I Like Mudkipz!!".
Yes, you're repeating the obvious there, old bean. I even said all 3 main parties were like peas in the pod....
Yes politicians have "little power to do anything" because guess what? They gave it all away to that dead albatross that is the EU! :facepalm: Oh, but they have enough powers left to create new taxes, and enact 120,000 European "Directives" on every aspect of how to run our lives to their agendas.
Would this still be the same under ConLiberaterals? Probably so, but *maybe* with either of those two, *IF* we're very lucky, we'll get out from under the drain on our resources that is the EU. We need the EU far less than the EU needs us. They know it. Labour *probably* know it, unless they really are as incompetent as they seem to be. Hell, even the Yanks know it! Unfortunately, Blair wanted the EU presidency even more than he wanted a UK, it seems. And we as a people are left picking up their mess. Again. Sheeple have *very* short memories these days. They seem to forget everything before the last speech saying "Tories are bad! Vote Labour!", "Labour are evil, vote Lib-Dem!", "Oh crap, we can't win, so switch your vote to the other side and you can help keep those out!"
Labour : Have a track record for bankrupting the country. Want closer "integration" into the EU at cost of National Identity and Control.
Tories : Have a track record for fixing Labour's messes, but do create their own.
Lib-Dems : New party, but descended from one of, if not the oldest party : Whigs. They're trying to create everything from scratch, but they also want closer "integration" into the EU.
Other parties are not really contenders, from the hilarious OMRLP to the scary BNP.
I'd like environment to have more sway in policies, but that's probably never going to happen for a LONG time.
I'd also really like EU out of UK interests. Also unlikely to happen, and I've said on other forums, that the UK won't survive long being subsumed for Europe's benefit.
We HAD our own economy based on our own Commonwealth, and it wasn't only thriving, it was one of the most powerful in the world : hundreds of countries world-wide, with common interests working together for mutual benefit. What's the EU supposed to be, and what is it in reality?
We need OUT of it, not in.
UK as a sovereign state needs strong leaders, not wishy-washy arse kissers. We need people with sense controlling the Treasury, not people who spend like its going out of fashion. Are we going to get any of these under Labour. Tory or Lib-Dem? Probably not.
It's time for another civil war and restore the Monarchy! (and I'm probably half-serious when I say this....). Under successive Labour governments almost half of Britain will not fly a Union/English/Scottish/Welsh flag for FEAR of being called racist. What the hell is that all about?! "Great" Britain? "United" Kingdom?
Don't. make. Me. Laugh. :\ European Region #73 - The Piggy Bank.
How bad is it when even the Tory guy responsible for taking Britain into the EEC, with fair and equitable trade agreements disowns and is severely frustrated at what the EU has become?
I've watched this country slowly eaten away from both the inside and out, for the last 20 years. I'm betting that within another 20 there won't be a "United Kingdom" any more, or "Great Britain". We'll be back to separate countries, all ruled from Brussels or whichever Muslim nation finally manages to force Sharia law on us (which is already in the works - I shit you not). We're just not a valid country any more, or at the most, we're clinging on to a crumbling cliff edge by the fingernails. The Americans are watching all this, know it, and are waiting for our "leaders" to come to their senses and resume Britain's place ont eh world stage as a leader, not a follower......
I wouldn't hold your breath too long, there, Mr. Obama, because short of another Civil War, it's just not very likely to happen.
@Syme : Yes...and that's part of the problem. Probably the biggest part.
Andy_Panthro: Not sure where to start with your statements lone3wolf...
Basically, I don't think it's been that bad these past 13 years.
The only things I really disagreed with the government about, the tories supported anyway! (The war in Iraq, Digital Economy bill, etc.)
As a long time Lib Dem, I really hope we can force a little bit of change through a coalition with a willing other party.
We really need voting reform for a start (
see this pic).
As for your points about the EU and so on, it read like a daily mail opinion piece...
Mind you, I'm pro-EU so we're looking at things from a radically different perspective.
Probably not, but given recent history (say last 50 years) thinking anything else is overly optimistic and likely to lead to great disappointment ;)
Yes, voting reform is needed, as is many other things.
I'm not as anti-EU as it may appear from my posts here : I'm anti-giving-everything-and-the-kitchen-sink-to-the-EU.
We did quite well throughout the 70s and 80s with FAIR Free Trade Agreements with the EEC, where all concerned benefited and prospered. We negotiated in good faith, and followed through on those deals. It worked then, it's working now (see Switzerland!). It will work now if we went back to it (assuming we actually tell the EU to F* Off and repeal their asinine laws/regulations and directives that only benefits 2 countries). We can't even fart these days without getting permission from the EU Overlords, and we have to ensure that the farts are eco-friendly, non-destructive, non-toxic, conform to H&S regulations, are not too long, are not too loud................................. :facepalm:
@Delixe : Yeah, Labour sneaked that one through here in March/April, just before Parliament closed for the's not expected to be repealed. They also gave themselves the power to demand your ISP cut you off without recourse to law courts or subpoenas. I think I heard they also slipped in something about censoring games....TBH, I don't want to check.
@TheJoe : Narrow minded? Hardly. Like I said above, I've watched this country disintegrate for a long time. I remember (just) Maggie getting elected, and the mess she had to clean up from the last Lib-Lab coalition. I also remember the mess she (and Major) created over Poll/Council tax and other things.
Hung parliament is not ignored, it's practically irrelevant - just another reason we won't have a strong leadership - it's going to be even more ineffectual on the world stage than it is under solely Labour now. It's all about making deals now, even more than usual. Trade-offs and sel-outs and worse. :\
Oh, if the people around you are confusing this country for America, you need to move away, because not even the idiotic sheeple here are *that* stupid.... :facepalm:
Telegraph? Never read. Never read the Daily Fail, either. Matter of fact, I haven't read any papers for years. They're all the same, just different flavours of bigotry and scare-mongering. I think the last paper I read was the Daily Sport : "WW2 bomber found on the moon!" - "Double-Decker Bus Found On Mars!". Yes, even that made more sense than the last 15 years og papers...
Yes, I'm all for you and the Military getting better deals with pay, conditions and support. Unfortunately, the last few governments seem hell-bent on destroying it all. I may not agree with the so-called "leadership" of this nation, but by the Gods, I support the people that actually defend it, with inadequate tools and support or not. It's the very least a country should do for its defenders. There was a time Britain/UK used to do this. Not for a long time though.
Yes, The Queen doesn't pay tax, but most of the rest do. Some even go into the military....although keeping them out of danger areas and actual fighting is.... more or less defeating the purpose of them being there in the first place. *shrug*
lol. Media is conservative? Ummmm almost all of it these days has been very anti-Tory ;~0
(yes, bad joke, but TBH, you deserve it for buying Labour's and Lib-Dem's propaganda).
Either and/or both and /or all 3 parties are probably going to be a very bad deal for the UK. I just don't see how any or all of them will do anything that will benefit the people of this once-great land. On the one - you've got a party well-known for haemorrhaging money away; on the other you've got a party well-known for being the cause of the UK going cap-in-hand to the IMF after bankrupting the country (albeit in coalition with the money-burners), and finally, you've got Tories - who are probably as bad as both and at times better. They just can't seem to stick being good.
We not only need a reform of the electoral system, we need these idiots out of the system, and people from the real-world making decisions. Probably best to give them an incentive to do well by making them invest all their assets into the country. If they do well, and the country prospers, they get a nice bonus after their tenure. If the country sinks, they lose everything.
Never gonna happen, though, is it? ;)