Posted February 22, 2011
Ah cheers. Hmmm....
FlintlockJazz: Does this mean that you could then write and publish a book called "How I Killed Bob" with an indepth look at how you performed the deed, the whys, and pleasure you took from it and make a fortune off the royalties?
hedwards: No, you'd still be liable in civil court because that's regarded as a different crime, but you wouldn't be able to go to prison for the murder, in that scenario.
Also, a lot of places have "Son of Sam" laws in effect to prevent that, but AFAIK that only kicks in if you're convicted. It's somewhat ironic in that David Berkowitz, one of the Son of Sam killers never had any interest in profiting by his book, at this point he's a devout Christian and has no interest in ever being released from prison for his part in the murders he committed.
Interestingly enough, while he claims responsibility for several of the murders, he denies others and the witness testimony indicate that he's probably being honest about that. Cheers for the info, figured that with so many people willing to profit from scandals and death and suchlike there might be a law against it. As for the David guy, wouldn't surprise me if the police just dumped a bunch of other unsolved murders on top in order to fix their statistics, or that there were copycats popping up at the time. Hell, some people try to claim credit for jobbing people they never even met.

Also, a lot of places have "Son of Sam" laws in effect to prevent that, but AFAIK that only kicks in if you're convicted. It's somewhat ironic in that David Berkowitz, one of the Son of Sam killers never had any interest in profiting by his book, at this point he's a devout Christian and has no interest in ever being released from prison for his part in the murders he committed.
Interestingly enough, while he claims responsibility for several of the murders, he denies others and the witness testimony indicate that he's probably being honest about that.
Post edited February 22, 2011 by FlintlockJazz