Gundato: Seriously, that is the problem. Unless something is a carbon copy of XCOM, it won't be accepted. And if it IS a carbon copy (and I mean right down to using the same sprites), people will whine that they are rebuying it.
Delixe: Aren't you the same person who was giving us all a hard time about complaining about the new XCOM? Yes I believe you were. The fact is for some of us what matters is X-Com the complete package. The Gameplay AND the setting. If either is removed and replaced then it's not X-Com anymore. You are quite free to label me a whiny fanboy bitch for having that opinion but quite frankly I don't care. Virtua Fighter remains the same with incremental changes, Civilization remains the same with incremental changes and even Resident Evil remains the same with small changes. What you are expecting us to do is sit back and applaud when a Dev team takes the X-Com name and throws out a whole massive chunk of what makes it X-Com.
Nobody called you a "whiny fanboy". I might have called you a "bitch" in the past, but only because Jesus has girly hair :p
And my point is, even those incremental changes are going to be enough to throw the XCOM fans into a crazy argument. We have people saying that the reason ET sucks is because it isn't set on Earth. Can you see how that could be construed as nit-picking?
What next? The chrysalid 's color isn't right?
Yeah, we all want a "faithful" remake, or at least we say we do. But it just seems to me like XCOM fans in particular don't. They don't WANT a remake or an incremental update or anything.
I also love how you try to make this an insult and say I am forcing stuff down your throat :p. All I am saying is, keep your mind open. Maybe something isn't a carbon copy (hell, I wouldn't be surprised if people complained that the game was irrevocably ruined by being able to be run at a higher resolution (because we all want character, gameplay, and visuals. The low-res visuals are characteristic of the series, and it is an abomination to scale them :p)), but that doesn't necessarily mean it is horrifyingly bad. And do we really want to have to eat as much crow as the NMA folk? :p