jamyskis: Am I the only one that would prefer an acquisition by Ubisoft over one by EA or Activision?
Sure UPlay sucks massively, including in comparison to Origin, but Ubisoft grants its devs more artistic freedom and regularly churns out superior titles to what EA and Activision usually chuck out.
Of course, the best case scenario would be to revive THQ, but it seems that the company is just suffering from endemic mismanagement and saving it is a bit of a tall order.
I'm with you on that one. I'd take Ubisoft over EA/Activision any day. I get the DRM hate, but other than that they are superior to EA/Activision in every way.
Qwertyman: I'd love to see someone take over the Warhammer 40k games and make a freakin' turn based game. Way too many RTS's out there already, and I can't afford to spend hundreds of dollars on game pieces to play the board game, not to mention that I don't have any friends who would be even remotely interested in playing.
I think that's impossible. There are legal issues afaik that prevents anyone from making a TBS game in the 40k Universe.