lowyhong: Here's another interview:
RPS really grills the PR department in this one.
I don't see much point in grilling Ubisoft of the past, like that article seems to be doing. The whole article seems like "Now that you are dropping the always-online DRM, you admit that you were wrong before, huh? Huh? Answer me dammit, tell me that you were wrong!". It seems they are asking the same for several times, really rubbing the salt in.
If Ubisoft really keeps their promise, they should be commended for it, not ridiculated (even though it is still not DRM-free). If and when they deviate from that promise (like single-player content only available while playing online, or something), they should be grilled and ridiculated again.
DRM-discussion aside, actually the most interesting part in that article was the figures how much of their sales/revenues PC games are. It is actually quite a bit lower than I was expecting, if those "Activision said 5%, and we say 7-12%." are true. I was expecting more like one third or something. On the other side, there are the reports that PC game sales have been growing, but maybe the growth is coming from indie games then? And in some other reports the worldwide sales of well-known PC games was near the sales of PS3 versions of the same titles, only losing significantly to XBox360 versions.
With that kind of figures, I'm actually a bit surprised Ubisoft decided to act humble, and didn't just say "F*ck it, from now on we will make only console games.". But maybe they still want to keep all options open and not burn bridges behind them.