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go on have a read and enjoy the reason given for why they aren't working on a PC version of "I am alive"...

Seriously he claims there is nobody interested in it and it wouldn't be worth it even if it sold 50k copies I'll tell you something he's lost a console sale aswell cause I was actually interested in it till I read his rant -.-
While I'm a bit weary of the constant "why don't they make a PC port of Final Fantasy 9 or Red Dead Redemption???" rants and do not think every console game should be ported to PC, it is still interesting how Ubisoft still complains about PC piracy, when at the same time they say their massive DRM makes their PC games sell so much better. Apparently not well enough?

I think the bitching Ubisoft should just leave the PC market for good, and that's it.

Still I wonder a bit, are they really that successful on consoles then, if at the same time they do so poorly on PC market? Apparently they simply make games that PC gamers don't like, or there are too many choices for PC gamers, or the arrogant (DRM) attitude of Ubisoft has indeed affected their sales negatively as well.
Post edited November 23, 2011 by timppu
A Ubisoft article on RPS? Pass.

If someone has a link to the same news story on a site other than RPS or EuroGamer, I'd be interested in reading it as long as it's not written by anyone affiliated with RPS. (I have my own reasons for that, so please respect them and not derail the thread asking about them).
bansama: A Ubisoft article on RPS? Pass.

If someone has a link to the same news story on a site other than RPS or EuroGamer, I'd be interested in reading it as long as it's not written by anyone affiliated with RPS. (I have my own reasons for that, so please respect them and not derail the thread asking about them).

-screw over PC gamers at every turn with shitty always-online DRM, multiple product activations and poorly-done console ports
-upset when they pirate everything and you don't get money for making poor quality products
-pirates get a better deal than paying customers by a mile
-cut off support for PC, and on top of all this, support SOPA

Anyone remember how From Dust on Steam had another form of DRM as well? So that was DRM on top of other DRM
Honestly, I don't understand why they don't just get out of the PC market completely. Funny how they're saying PC gamers are 'bitching' for a port, while Ubisoft is constantly 'bitching' about PC gamers all being pirates. Ubisoft can kiss my ass. It'll be a cold day in hell before I ever buy one of their games again.
Two words. Fuck em.
In Ubisofts defence, they just released "Anno 2070". Which is not only a pure PC title, but also a sequel that wasn't dumbed down (quite the opposite). When was the last time you played an AAA title that was tailor made for the PC Market and even got more complex with the sequel.

And Anno 2070 is brilliant (imo) best strategy game I have played since, well Anno 1404. I know Ubisoft is the "flavor of the week" in terms of bashing, but I can't they anything bad about them. Their DRM never gave me trouble (and is easy to crack). Their ports of Assassins Creed were rock solid and I will buy AC:R once I'm done with Anno (around 2013 I guess ;-) ).

And I also like this Uplay system. They give you stuff for free, while other games would get a paid DLC for the content.

Edit: I should mention I haven't read the article, as I generally don't read "gaming magazines". And from what I heard about RPS here, I won't start now...
Post edited November 23, 2011 by SimonG
Recently, Assassin's Creed 1 & 2 were on sale for $5 each. i was going to buy them, but i found out that they are Ubisoft games, so forget it. They are overpaid and greedy.
Keep in mind this isn't Ubisoft speaking but one developer. A particularly snotty developer too.

It's hard to take him seriously in his high and mighty console castle when I Am Alive is basically running on fumes. The game was already "cancelled" once, disappeared for two plus years, and then downsized into an XBLA only game. Instead of sounding like a jackass, the guy should have just said the real reason, which is funding and the fact that they can barely get the game released as is.

I don't actually think Ubisoft is that evil. Terrible, yes, but not boycott worthy. I'm with SimonG on Uplay; I'd rather not deal with it, but at least it works and includes minor extras to make it more than just DRM.
Delixe: Two words. Fuck em.
That's what I was saying two years ago. My opinions haven't exactly changed much.
Eh, if a developer says he doesn't want my money then I'm more than happy to oblige.
Heretic777: Recently, Assassin's Creed 1 & 2 were on sale for $5 each. i was going to buy them, but i found out that they are Ubisoft games, so forget it. They are overpaid and greedy.
you should have got them.
they are extremely fun
---even though a 'greedy' company made them
Well... that man is obviously a complete moron.

Actively destroying sales and alienating part of your customer base isn't exactly good business practice.