igor8472: Yes. Might and Magic is another title I will buy asap when it'll be avaiable. Due modern hardware I naver had chance to play part 1-5, only 6-9 & Messiah...
I liked 6, but I thought 3-5 were way better. The main problem with 6 was that there was way, WAY too much combat - enemies come in droves, and their bodies pile up to the ceiling by the time you're done killing them all. 3-5 were much more balanced between exploration, combat, riddles, and death traps.
I've been trying to play 7 lately, but I haven't really gotten into it. Although I appreciate that the gameplay and character creation / management is somewhat more complex and robust than 6, the extremely heavy combat wears on me, and the game seems to sort of meander aimlessly. Is it worth perservering?