klaymen: That sorry excuse of a human being who started that thread on Steam forums is either Ubisoft employee or a goddamn fucking moron.
Or he is just someone who realizes how so many devs and publishers are ignoring the PC. And honestly, if a bit of DRM will make them consider still developing for the PC, it might be a worthy price to pay. I personally feel that this DRM is a bit too strong, but I felt the same way over limited activation models.
Believe it or not, your opinions aren't divine truths handed down on slates of rock. Other people have opinions.
People run around screaming "boycott this game to support the PC gaming industry!" or "buy this game, then return it to support the PC gaming industry!" and the like. This guy is running around saying "Buy this game to support the PC gaming industry!"
I may not agree with this guy, but at least he is able to make a post and state his opinion without attacking everyone else just because they have a differing viewpoint.
Seriously, grow the hell up.