rayden54: That doesn't work. To have any impact at all you have to convince the MILLIONS of other people who actually LIKE that sort of thing to not buy it either.
I know it seems like I'm cutting off my nose to spite my face. But honestly, in the case of Might and Magic X, I honestly could have handled neither the cognitive dissonance nor the gruesome spectacle.
It would sadden me even more than MM9 did.
Maybe it will come to GOG one day.
rayden54: Funny, I'd consider "unlockable" content to be an improvement over the "buy the base game and pay twice as much for the DLC" route everyone's going. Kinda oldschool.
Oldschool wut? Young feller-me-Jim, in my day we didn't "unlock" anything! ;)
Honestly I don't mind DLC. If I love a game I'll pay a little more when I'm done for more content.
I just object to a game saying "Forsooth! If thou wishest to enter this thy most anticipated dungeon, thou mustest earn thyself sixty uPlay(TM) points(TM) or enter the runes from thy credit card" or even "What ho! Thine Internet connection appeareth to have failed thee! Returnest thou whence thou were half an hour ago and return when thou hast re-conquered all thy recent challenges!"