Siannah: 1. Take any other bigger dev / publisher, be it Activision, Blizzard, EA, Square, Take 2, etc. and tell me you couldn't make the same only twice as big.... and no, CDPR isn't (yet) in that league and if you insist, still just the exception to the rule.
2. Best of all: if none or not all of those strike you as "I want that", you'd still get the points which you can then use later on rewards for other games.
If this is considered cut content or something so integral that it should be available for everyone (which it is) from the very start of the game, then someone explain me please what still qualifies for the category "bonus" and why.
1. Ubisoft is still one of the worst companys, but indeed almost any of the bigger company is a money grabbing self centered black hole with lack of "long term view", although its almost failproof that the biggest of them are always bad ethics (not sure if there is any exception) because simply way to powerful, they are able to mind control a customer. Thanks for bringing it up, i should probably buy even lesser games, and in the last 2 years the amount of games i got is drastically reduced.
Although, most of the awesome games i enjoyed a lot is neither from Activision, nor Blizzard, nor EA (EA as good as impossible, i hate Sport Games), nor Square-Enix nor Take 2. Actually Square-Enix is the only one i used to buy lot of games from, but it has been drastically reduced because to much franchise content and no heart for the real stuff anymore. In the past when Square was still allone without Enix, they generally had much better games. At some point they was merging with Enix, and the result was a even bigger company and at that point the general quality of the content was reduced and it became even more mainstream and franchise-like... sad stuff.
Some people say a company need to be huge in order to provide AAA games, but thats not entirely true. The hard truth is that nowadays a "indie dev" can rarely provide AAA games (with rare exceptions, because gameplay isnt necessarely a matter of sheer human ressources, but graphics always is), but there is a limit on how much a good game truly is in need of. At some point it can be "bloated" with so much conflicts that the game becomes a crashing hole either as a piece of art or as a stable software, or as a masterpiece as a whole including ethics and support for minoritys. So there is a certain limit, its not true that a AAA game is in need of endless human ressources, but instead a motivated team of true creators.
The saving up on cash for games was a good benefit to my body health, so i was able to buy the most expensive food i ever had. My mental health improved too because lesser "junk" invading my brain, instead i was only focusing on a few of the real games, mainly outside "common mainstream"; for example "Tales of Xillia".
2. I really dont care how easy it is to get the achievement points because its still not able to get ride of the main issue, the core of all the meanie. I DONT WANT ACHIEVEMENT POINTS TO HAVE EFFECT ON GAMEPLAY OR CONTENT.
Are you trying to protect a companys mentality or something? In the past the gamers had fun without achievements and they are still allowed to have fun
and full content without achievements, whats the issue? The gamers having fun without achievements paid the same such as the ones having fun with achievements, so both are allowed to get full content for the grade of fun. Implementing achievements into gameplay mechanics is free choice but should never be forced. Content is part of gameplay-mechanics, new (prehaps enjoyable) levels or new (prehaps supreme) weapons or whatever, its something affecting either gameplay or mechanics, if you like it or not. If you say "no its not affecting anything", then i simply can not agree.
Why do you think people preorder? Company XY: "I give you a new bodywear baby, i give you a new weapon, new sunglasses just for the ones preordering it". Now lets look into the brain of most gamers "
OH OH OH... I NEED TO HAVE IT... i may become mentally ill without having it... buy buy buy buy."
They hand out a crapload of money just so they can put theyr hand on a "small item", but its the stuff that matters to them... they want a complete game... they want all the content inside... its understandable. The issue simply is: A company is heavy abusing that attitude... consumers becoming a slave... as a result, and they are allowing it.
I just want you do understand this matter, its no easy matter and its heavely abused...
gamers do care for small content. You cant put it down to a "hilarious or minor matter" you know the truth!
Do you think they do preorder in order to "support" a company? In order to support some kind of mentality, attitude or a "higher believe"? Nope... people care nothing about companys and companys care nothing about people, the company simply is seeking for as much cash as possible and the consumer is seeking for as much content as possible. There is no ethics, no moral and nothing, just greed and cash. GOG/Project Red is probably one of the rare exceptions because there could be more than just "greed and cash".
How the whole issue started? To big of a story... prehaps another time.
But fact is, as a result of that issue
i will not pay the full price of games anymore in term there is bonus content on launch, because i will put a clear punishment on such a mentality, and i hope someday more people like me are handling it that way and are bringing such companys down to the kneels. That way i pay the price the game is actually worth, it: Half the price for missing content. not a cent more than that.
I can wait... because i got enough to handle in my life... i am always busy, im never without work, fun or study.
But in term one of the few companys isnt using any "DLC content" bound on launch but offering a full package instead, i will pay full price and even TWO games at once. The second game is either for collection or i give it away as a present, prehaps even selling it in term price is skyrocketing* at some point (of course selling wont work for digital content but i can still hand them out as a present).
*But i can almost certainly say: A game with launch-DLC or missing content (very common) will never be able to skyrocket, because such games are designed in order to make mainstream-junk lovers happy, not "collectors", and the only one paying "skyrocket-prices" are collectors! Just to say one hidden secret. But the worst value of all games is a DRM locked PC game with incomplete content and account binding, it got a collectors value of exactly zero, yet many companys are bringing out such stuff in the name of "collectors" and many people still buying it.
GOG and Project Red is a exception because even if some content may be missing on the DVD (as soon as new content added), a owner of a hard DVD copy is allowed to get a free (and DRM free) backup of the newest and updated content, so every owner of a Project Red CE is able to get full content, thats very essential in order to have the name of a "collectors item".