orcishgamer: The current method of doing things is a direct result of the industry's poor and anti-consumer decisions.
If that's the case, then this issue
should go away by itself as the companies doing this find that the consumers take their money elsewhere.
I have a feeling that we're going to see a lot more of this stuff for a while as companies try to figure out what does and does not work, and hopefully someone will key into a solution that meets the needs of all parties: the original consumer, the second-hand consumer, and the company. The market will sort itself out and we'll find multiple approaches that manage to appease nearly all of the consumers. It won't happen overnight, but they'll get there eventually. In the meantime, some folks aren't going to be happy. Nothing new here.
What I suspect it might morph into is buying a monthly or annual membership that eventually covers all online crap for all titles from that publisher, maybe with different levels based on how many titles you're looking to cover.
FraterPerdurabo: If I buy a car and then sell it to someone, why should I give money to the manufacturer? It makes no sense whatsoever. It is my property and I can deal with it as I wish.
If you buy a car second-hand and simply drive it how you wish (akin to single-player, offline use), then you don't pay the manufacturer bupkis. If you subsequently use the manufacturer / dealer services for maintenance or parts, then you pay for those (online play on publisher servers, DLC, etc). With respect to online play only available on the publisher's servers, the difference is that I can get a car serviced anywhere. But that's not an issue relegated solely to the second-hand market, since everyone is stuck with that server limitation, and thus it's not exactly a direct issue. Like many others, I'd prefer that anyone could set up and operate a server for online play, but it's the dev / publisher decision to do so and the consumer decision to buy into it or not.
And no, the publishers are not under obligation to fix it. Just about any EULA states this. Caveat Emptor and all that. Obviously they DO fix it because to not do so for the major problems will create, well, major problems with PR and future sales. The only obligation comes from keeping their name in the best possible light. Again, it goes back to the consumer deciding whether or not something is worth it.