michaelleung: But the thing is, you don't *have* to buy the $9.99 extra. If you do, you still save money, if you don't, you save ten dollars. Surely it won't change the way people buy used games. And furthermore, on console games, the multiplayer community usually fizzles out after the first two or three months (unless it's Call of Duty, Battlefield or Halo, which all follow a different kind of economics model from a parallel universe), so in reality the chance of paying for these "premium features" is quite slim.
Wishbone: Untill they add patches to the "premium features" you need a pass for.
That's sort of the point I was trying to make earlier.
The people who buy commercial software (professionals, businesses, government) expect to pay for maintenance, including the right to receive patches. It's been that way forever.
Only consumers believe they are entitled to free patches. I hope it stays that way (patches are free). But I can also see that developers want to continue to make money after the initial sales, and that is the only way they have an incentive to maintain their games.