Posted March 26, 2010
I'm pretty annoyed right now. The other day I was talking to a mate about games we might be able to coop and I suggested she try Rainbow Six Vegas, describing it made me remember how much I enjoyed it (for a console shooter) and so I've been replaying it.
I get to the las vegas strip, fighting my way down it amongst the ads for deodorant & alt-fashion and then I take cover near a bus shelter. I see the movie poster in the attached image and, as I often do when I see a date in game that's near the real date, I jokingly say to myself that I'll look forward to whatever event it is.
Then it struck me that I didn't remember a remake of clash of the titans from 4 years ago so I put it into IMDB and found the film's page. Notice the similarity in the poster and the date of the film? I think I know what the content of the bloody title update was. The bunch of maternal fornicators wasted my bandwidth to advertise a shitty movie remake...
The irony of it is, the alt-fashion ads now go to a site that doesn't exist so if there was any ads that needed updating...
I get to the las vegas strip, fighting my way down it amongst the ads for deodorant & alt-fashion and then I take cover near a bus shelter. I see the movie poster in the attached image and, as I often do when I see a date in game that's near the real date, I jokingly say to myself that I'll look forward to whatever event it is.
Then it struck me that I didn't remember a remake of clash of the titans from 4 years ago so I put it into IMDB and found the film's page. Notice the similarity in the poster and the date of the film? I think I know what the content of the bloody title update was. The bunch of maternal fornicators wasted my bandwidth to advertise a shitty movie remake...
The irony of it is, the alt-fashion ads now go to a site that doesn't exist so if there was any ads that needed updating...