Posted March 29, 2014
After reading the reviews for Titanfall and Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes I noticed two things. One, it got alot of unfair high scores it didn't really deserve, and two I only knew that because it was said in the reviews I did read or listen to. I have stopped looking at professional game reviews and never noticed. I am drawn to fan made videos and articles about games since most of them are honest and unlike the big companies, aren't bought out by the AAA game companies. I won't name any since everyone is a fan or hater of each reviewer and don't want to cause a flame war. Just want to say that we live in an age where the most anticipated games are crowd funded, indie games got all the originality, and the published reviews are becoming less noticed.
Internet really does make it all a more free society.
Internet really does make it all a more free society.