Misanthropic: 1. You mean like yourself?
2. I agree, your posts in general are a testament to that.
3. Your on a site where
DRM Free is a big deal... You wanna chat about a specific DRM'd game? Go pretty much anywhere else on the web... Head over to GameFascists where they'll lynch you for speaking the truth about their lord and savior VALVe, or, better yet, why not try the game's official forum? I'm sure you'll find plenty of like minded people to "
masturbate" with to whichever corporation floats your boat...
4. This idiotic mentality, along with the "
consumer entitlement" garbage, needs to die in a horrible and spectacular manner... Greed driven, anti-consumer, asshole devs and pubs have decided to make DRM a part of their games, therefor discussing the DRM in any game that has it is always relevant...
Again, you're on a site where DRM Free is a rather large issue, and it's become even more so with the advent of newer releases.
You think you're pissed off? I've gotten moderated for "
trolling" on GameFascists for telling the truth in a civil manner to people who asked for opinions on Steam. I've had similar posts downrepped to the point where they're hidden within hours on Amazon. I've been belittled, mocked, slandered,
trolled and censored for nothing more than simply not being a part of the rank and file...
I'm sick of people like you, FredDM, Bazilisek, ect... starting shit and turning things personal whenever someone points out that your particular god, (Blizzard, VALVe, ect...), is in reality a total asshole... We're not the ones with the problem here...
Sir, you forgot to take your pills today.
SimonG: The main problem of this forum are the blalant double standards employed by many in the community.
GOG selling Wasteland 2. --> Awesome!
Origin selling Wasteland 2. OMG, always online DRM, end of the world, Brian Fargo sold out.
GOG refusing to stock a game because of quality/pricing --> Good decision
Steam refusing to stock a game because of quality/pricing --> OMG Steam is using market dominance to control gaming. The end is near.
GOG has multiplayer CD-Keys ---> DRM free
Other game has multiplayer CD_Keys ---> I don't buy that fscking game with some shitty DRM. Gaming is over.
This goes on and on and on.
The problem with this is, that it kills any proper discussion about the drawbacks of eg Steam. If you bring up false statements like "Steam will take my games away whenever they want" you can't really discuss the more relevant stuff.
There is nothing wrong with being a fanboy, I'm a very vocal GOG fanboy (*only in the old game department, though) but that doesn't stop me using my brain every now and then.
You sumed it up perfectly.
Not to mention that GOG selling RCT3 for 20 dollars is fine, a great deal, but Steam selling it for the same price "THEYRE RIPPING US OFF, DAMN VALVE GREEDY BASTARDS".