Elenarie: 1. Trolls, spammers and
shits 2. The stupid over the top fanboysm about some things has been getting way out of hand. You would think that gamers would be more civilized because they actually use their brain when playing, but no, they are actively trying to be idiots.
3. Diablo 3, Steam, Ubisoft come first on my mind. (as an example) And while FraterPerdurabo created a thread, asking people to leave out DRM discussion (you know, because some people want to do other things and talk about other stuff than masturbate and bash DRM at the same time), people still are spamming the damn thread with DRM related posts.
4. I am fully aware that you hate DRM. But please, can you leave the fuck out your stupid shit and let me and others have some discussion without every second post being related to DRM? If you're not interested, there's no point in spamming threads that don't relate to DRM.
1. You mean like yourself?
2. I agree, your posts in general are a testament to that.
3. Your on a site where
DRM Free is a big deal... You wanna chat about a specific DRM'd game? Go pretty much anywhere else on the web... Head over to GameFascists where they'll lynch you for speaking the truth about their lord and savior VALVe, or, better yet, why not try the game's official forum? I'm sure you'll find plenty of like minded people to "
masturbate" with to whichever corporation floats your boat...
4. This idiotic mentality, along with the "
consumer entitlement" garbage, needs to die in a horrible and spectacular manner... Greed driven, anti-consumer, asshole devs and pubs have decided to make DRM a part of their games, therefor discussing the DRM in any game that has it is always relevant...
Again, you're on a site where DRM Free is a rather large issue, and it's become even more so with the advent of newer releases.
You think you're pissed off? I've gotten moderated for "
trolling" on GameFascists for telling the truth in a civil manner to people who asked for opinions on Steam. I've had similar posts downrepped to the point where they're hidden within hours on Amazon. I've been belittled, mocked, slandered,
trolled and censored for nothing more than simply not being a part of the rank and file...
I'm sick of people like you, FredDM, Bazilisek, ect... starting shit and turning things personal whenever someone points out that your particular god, (Blizzard, VALVe, ect...), is in reality a total asshole... We're not the ones with the problem here...