Elenarie: Call it trolling then, it still doesn't do anything to progress the discussion about the topic.
And about your previous post, skipping over some thing is really not that simple. Take Neowin as an example, in almost every thread, you can find many offtopic posts about how company X is better than company Y, totally unrelated to the topic that is being discussed. The only way to get rid of them was to stop visiting Neowin's forums (becausee seriously, who would like to read about how Apple is better than Microsoft or the other way around in a Firefox version comparison based on OSes).
I don't want to see that happen with GOG. The forums have been absolutely amazing over the years (pretty much the best people I've met online hang around here, and the only friends on my Steam list are actually people that I've met from these forums), but seriously, the whole DRM vs anti-DRM vs /care-about-DRM have been getting out of hand lately.
It seems that word doesn't mean what you think it means(Princess Bride reference ftw). That wasn't trolling in that thread's case...not by a long shot.
Also again, (imo) it is simple. You find a post that you want to read and read it, and if it says something you dislike you either: skip reading the rest of it and go to the next bit or post, close the page, read it and reply. You don't read something you don't want to(Seemingly as if against your own will.) then complain about being "forced" to read it later. No one is holding a gun to your head, after all.
(Not to be rude, just my two cents, but: If you can't help not reading or doing stuff you claim to not like then you need to have your mental faculties checked, as those are signs of an obsessive-compulsive disorder/complex or similar possibly rearing it's ugly head. Because to me it seems you either lack the ability to just not do or experience things you don't want to, or are one of those people[You know the type....ones who purposefully submit themselves to things they dislike so as to be able to complain about it later on.[ I loathe so much.)
The onus(in the end) is also on you to be able to read and do only what you want to, and filter out the rest....it's not just on those posting.
GameRager: Again, to me it's all about wanting or needing something to complain about in the end, and the ones who don't share our own views are always easier targets/more acceptable to single out, it seems.
Elenarie: Again, that's not what the discussion is about. A dozen people are discussing the music and sounds of Ubisoft's latest title. Then a few people come up and fill the thread with posts about how the hate Ubisoft's DRM (even though the thread specifically said that the discussion is not about DRM). How is that expressing your view about the topic being discussed?
I am actually talking about the things occurring in Frater's thread, not the main D3 thread....sorry if any miscommunication occured. Are you sure we're even talking about the same thread? Because it sounds like we might not be.
(If you ARE talking about Frater's thread though, I still say you're WAY off on describing the amount of DRM related discussion in it.)