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Skyrim :D
Post edited December 19, 2013 by Punished_Snake
Punished_Snake: 4ZEE-P5MG-WLDB-S475

Skyrim :D
not skyrim but a great drop +1

didnt redeem it as i got it
My favourite thing about Christmas is decorating the tree and the opportunity to spend more time with my family.

In for:

1. Depths of Peril
2. A Walk in the Dark
3. Aquaria
4. Post Mortem
5. Bridge It

Thank you!
Best thing about Christmas is the atmosphere of it, calming down for a moment before next year arrives.

I'm in for:
Ultima Underworld 1 +2
Realms of Arkania 1 + 2
Carmageddon Max Pack
The Witcher
Blake Stone set
Almost last BUMP

Will close tonight

Also, check again the list of games and edit your post if you want
Hello, I am from country in Northern Hemisphere, but I live in country in Southern Hemisphere and this is my first Christmas here, but because of the weather (there is no snow here) I don't feel Christmas atmosphere.

Thanks for your generosity and I am in for these games:
4. Realms of Arkania 1 + 2 (GOG)
8. Electronic Super Joy (Steam)
11. Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion (Steam)
31. The Lord of the Rings: War in the North (Steam - HB gift)
40. Guardians of Middle-earth & Smaug's Treasure DLC (Steam - HB gift)
Great giveaway Triock, and many thanks for the opportunity. REP+ ;)
I'm not in, but I wish good luck to the participants, and happy holidays to all! ^_^
Just want to stop by for a cup of eggnog and a cookie and to say thank-you, triock for a most amazing Xmas holiday party! I truly hope your holidays are filled with light, laughter and love and that the new year brings you much luck ;-)
Last chance to enter! ;)
Please count me in for A Walk in the Dark.

Thanks triock and all the genereous contributors. Have a happy holidays
Thanks for the giveaway ,
in for Serious Sam 3: BFE

Happy Holidays to All
high rated
Aaaand Xmas party is over.

I will send the gifts to the winners tomorrow. :)
Dang-it, how did I miss this? Awesome, generous giveaway!


Congrats to the winners!

EDIT: Oh boy, Oh boy, thanks for the exception. You rule more than anyone that has ever ruled before!

I'd be in for Resonance (GOG) then please. Thanks a bunch!

EDIT #2: The rush almost made me forget to say something personal about the holidays as requested. I don't get a tree, I string lights around my tripod and set out a Jack Skellington as Santa Jack plush a friend of mine got me years ago. Enjoy how silent everything goes when everyone else's shopping madness is finally done. Then I watch Badder Santa.

Happy Holidays!
Post edited December 21, 2013 by chevkoch
chevkoch: snip
Well, maybe I can make an exception, but only for you, okay? ;)

So, edit your post if you want to enter for some games.
high rated
Ok, here are the winners:

1. Ultima Underworld 1 +2 (GOG) - Grargar
2. Resonance (GOG) - Soyeong
3. The Real Texas (GOG) - ggf162
4. Realms of Arkania 1 + 2 (GOG) - Ciapcian
5. Carmageddon Max Pack (GOG) - monkeydelarge
6. Torchlight (GOG) - phaolo
7. The Witcher (GOG) 2x - IndicaHybrid, Juhius
8. Electronic Super Joy (Steam) - DyNaer
9. A Walk in the Dark (Steam) - jamsatle
10. Eleusis (Steam) - Reever
11. Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion (Steam) - Hardrada
12. Reign: Conflict of Nations (Steam) - QC
13. Depths of Peril (Steam) - gandalf.nho
14. The Whispered World (Steam) - GastonArg
15. Thomas Was Alone (Steam) - ma5terbob
16. Tiny and Big in Granpda's Leftovers (Steam) - wolfsrain
17. English Country Tune (Steam) - Rodzaju
18. Aquaria (Steam) - SerpentineCougar
19. Waking Mars (Steam) - mrbax
20. World War 3: Black Gold (Steam) - wolfsrain
21. Pid (Steam) - dragonsreach
22. AI War: Fleet Command (Steam) - oasis789
24. Luxor Mahjong (Steam) - Stooner
25. Chainz 2: Relinked (Steam) - Spinorial
26. Midnight Mysteries 4: Haunted Houdini (Steam) - Rodzaju
27. Limbo (Steam) - Reever
28. Post Mortem (Steam) - stg83
29. F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin (Steam - HB gift) - tionerc
30. F.E.A.R. 3 (Steam - HB gift) - tionerc
31. The Lord of the Rings: War in the North (Steam - HB gift) 2x - mrbax, SlyFox
33. Jazz, Trump's Journey (Desura) - Crappynuker1
36. Eleusis (Desura) - SlyFox
37. Bridge It (Steam) - Spinorial
38. Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold + Blake Stone: Planet Strike (GOG) - mondo84
39. The Sims 3 (Origin) - platercake
40. Guardians of Middle-earth & Smaug's Treasure DLC (Steam - HB gift) 2x - Ciapcian, mrbax
41. The 39 Steps (Steam) - DragoonHP
42. Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time (Steam) - platercake
43. Mortal Kombat Kollection (Steam - HB gift) - DProject
45. Batman™: Arkham Origins DLC (Steam - HB gift) - Aveweto
46. Sword of the Stars - The Pit (base game) (GOG) - ZPavelZ
47. Serious Sam 3: BFE (Steam - HB gift) - djranis
48. Magicka + 2 DLC packs (Steam - HB gift) - ejiki

Luckily, only a few games with 0 interest (mostly Desura), I will probably drop them in ninja thread (games which are not mine will be send back to contributors).

I will start sending your gifts now, but it will take some time, so patience please. :)

Thanks all for your participation, I hope you enjoyed this little party, thanks for sharing your thoughs about Xmas, big thanks also to everyone who made this party even more awesome - 011284mm, Bigblueelf, IAmSinistar, RadonGOG, samlii, arr0whead, mistermumbles, Sachys, DyNaer, ZPavelZ and chezybezy.

P.S. I just noticed that I'm over 1000 (yay, my 4th shuriken :p), but there won't be a special giveaway to celebrate this - I already said that this is my last GA this year and I'm too lazy to make another. :p But don't worry, I will merge it with my Birthday GA coming next month. ;)