TheEnigmaticT: Yeah, let me weigh in on this, since I've worked with Marcin on presentations where he's made similar arguments: what he's saying is not "don't collect games." A lot of you guys do that and enjoy it. Rather, it's a matter of
"don't buy games you don't want just because they're on sale." gameon: Thanks for clearing it up abit. But what about people that have a mild interest in something just because its on sale....
I mean, something you wouldn't buy usually, but because its on sale you think, i'lll give it a go. Does that mean we are getting milked?
I would say no, personally. Some of the best games you pick up are because it was cheap to try, so there wasn't much skin in the game, but I think there's a personal meter you need to use there. For me it's the "what if this thing I'm kind of interested in is terrible? Will I feel ripped off?" If so, then I'd suggest you strive mightily to fight the forces of "must buy!" in case everything does not work out a nicely as you'd hope.
For example, I jumped on the last HIB expressly for Avadon on Android. The other games? I knew absolutely nothing about. I paid 15 bucks for the pack and, for Avadon, that's enough for me. Canabault was a fun little addition to that bundle which (shockingly) I'd never played before. It wasn't worth $15 by itself, no, but it's a discovery I never would have made without the HIB.
However, I've picked up another bundle of indie games before--no, I shan't say which--that had only games I found broken and uninspiring. I only paid $10 for that, and doubt I got even that meagre recompense of entertainment back out of it. I wouldn't say I regretted the purchase, but I only bought the games because they were "pay what I want." None of them were in a particularly interesting genre for me, but I bit anyway, purely on price.
Ah, well. :)
EDIT: Yes, I could have paid a dollar for the second bundle of games, but there's "thrifty", and there's "cheap", and then there's "you skinflint!" I make enough money where I'd feel guilty paying a buck for a bundle of games.