I think the issue Magnum takes with people bashing Steam is that false sense of elitism that many people have. As in "only a DRM free gamer is a
real gamer".
When it comes to big companies people tend to have double standards. Every little thing Steam does is inherently evil and intented to destroy gaming as a whole (pretty much the same with EA and Blizzard). While GOG can release broken games (Hello, Interstate '76 and Kings Bounty and Dungeon Keeper II) and people still defend it (which I also do, but I never made a secret of my GOG fanboyism).
Bashing Steam is "cool" and "hip". But the problem is, unless you accept a service and complain about
real drawbacks and problems, nobody will take you seriously. All the "I don't own my games" and "Steam can take them away without any notice" talk is hurtful at best.
For whatever you might personally think of Steam, it made Digital Downloads big on PC, cut out a lot of the "unecessary fat"when it comes to selling (The pub/dev of a game sold at 50% of still gets more money of the sale than of a full price retail, and I'm not even taking the additional sales into account), brought indies to the "CoD fratboy audience" and was the only effective anti-piracy meassure that actually worked (and in a good way, by making games affordable for low income groups).
For me personally, I will be moving away from DRM free games, because they usually lack the services I am used to (autopatching, sorted online storage, well, pretty much everything a client offers). While I still don't "like" Steam it has greatly enhanced my gaming experience.
I don't care about how I will look, but I don't make up arsine drawbacks of Steam to justifiy me from staying away. I might no longer be the "cool kid" on the schoolyard, but I honestly don't care.
But if gamers (not only related to Steam, but in general) would get their blown up head out of their entitled ass, we could actually be heard by the industry.