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I frikin LOVE Trigun. After watching the episodes on youtube, i was devastated to learn that the box set was out of print. I can now rejoice, as Funimation has revived the show and is releasing a box set on October 26. Anyone else excited about this?
sauvignon1: I frikin LOVE Trigun. After watching the episodes on youtube, i was devastated to learn that the box set was out of print. I can now rejoice, as Funimation has revived the show and is releasing a box set on October 26. Anyone else excited about this?

I've watched two animes ever in my life, both because of the persistent requests of a former boyfriend. The first I don't remember. The second was Trigun. Although Trigun was better than the first, I still can't say that I liked anything about it. :(
I know tons and tons of people love anime. I'm honestly curious why it has such a huge following. What draws people to it?
(No disrespect meant AT ALL. I really am curious why so many people like anime and I dislike it so much >.< )
sauvignon1: I frikin LOVE Trigun. After watching the episodes on youtube, i was devastated to learn that the box set was out of print. I can now rejoice, as Funimation has revived the show and is releasing a box set on October 26. Anyone else excited about this?
alaerian: I've watched two animes ever in my life, both because of the persistent requests of a former boyfriend. The first I don't remember. The second was Trigun. Although Trigun was better than the first, I still can't say that I liked anything about it. :(
I know tons and tons of people love anime. I'm honestly curious why it has such a huge following. What draws people to it?
(No disrespect meant AT ALL. I really am curious why so many people like anime and I dislike it so much >.< )

Anime is just like any other medium: some of it's good, some of it's total crap. I grew up watching good (in my opinion) anime like Dragon Ball Z, so I got hooked. If you want to check out a truly awesome anime that even non fans can enjoy, then watch Cowboy Bebop.
Cowboy Bebop is great. DBZ was fun for me (although I was like 12 at the time, so my fun meter may have been miscalibrated), but I got bored of it because new episodes only aired once a week and certain fights lasted at least 10s of episodes (what felt like 100s) so I stopped watching.
Post edited September 07, 2010 by PoSSeSSeDCoW
Trigun on DVD? Cool. The DVD version released here sucked. I think it was 1 episode per disk?
I still wont buy it unless it comes with the new movie. Which still isn't available to watch.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: DBZ was fun for me (although I was like 12 at the time, so my fun meter may have been miscalibrated), but I got bored of it because new episodes only aired once a week and certain fights lasted at least 10s of episodes (what felt like 100s) so I stopped watching.

I watched DB/DBZ so many times back then that I can't stand the series anymore.
sauvignon1: I frikin LOVE Trigun. After watching the episodes on youtube, i was devastated to learn that the box set was out of print. I can now rejoice, as Funimation has revived the show and is releasing a box set on October 26. Anyone else excited about this?
alaerian: I've watched two animes ever in my life, both because of the persistent requests of a former boyfriend. The first I don't remember. The second was Trigun. Although Trigun was better than the first, I still can't say that I liked anything about it. :(
I know tons and tons of people love anime. I'm honestly curious why it has such a huge following. What draws people to it?
(No disrespect meant AT ALL. I really am curious why so many people like anime and I dislike it so much >.< )

You can't judge after only watching 2 shows. Thats like saying " I've seen 2 movies" or "Ive seen 2 TV shows". Is it possible that you wont like every anime for some certain reason? Yes. Do you know that yet? No. Watch some good ones. It's a whole artistic medium, it's not supposed to be the same thing over and over. Not even artistically.
you guys recommended trigun to me and it is now one of my top two favorite animes of all time. i'm stoked for the box set, but i REALLY want to see the movie dubbed (please don't yell at me for that)
alaerian: (No disrespect meant AT ALL. I really am curious why so many people like anime and I dislike it so much >.< )

i was of this idea until the past eight months. i had seen maybe two or three shows accidentally when i was too lazy to change the channel on a sunday morning or something. my roommate last year told me to watch cowboy bebop (which is a perfect place to start if you think anime sucks) with him and i scoffed. i thought all anime was so stupidly uniform and unoriginal, it really comes off that way. i'm sure a lot of it is.
well i watched a whole show with my friend, and it is completely the opposite. i learned this, and it is the thing i dislike most about anime: NOTHING CONSEQUENTIAL EVER HAPPENS IN THE FIRST FIVE OR MORE EPISODES. there are, of course, exceptions to this rule, but they are surprisingly rare. trigun takes something like 11 freaking episodes before getting to the actual storyline. before that, the constant nuttiness and stupidity of the characters and the often annoying voices/utterly simplistic dialog made me really hate the show.
western shows (though i do so love many of them) are often slick and polished, with excellent dialogue and cool looking/acting characters. but they tend to lack a real meatiness once you've gotten past the tempting glamour of their atmosphere. (good) anime shows, on the other hand, will have main characters that are hair-pullingly annoying sometimes, or the absolute least subtle and most childish dialogue i have ever witnessed. but by the end of the series i am always in awe at how deep and truly meaningful they are.
and that's why i watch anime.
Post edited September 08, 2010 by captfitz
Why is trigun so popular on the web / in the states?
It seems unknown in Japan.
I enjoyed it, but mostly because I love all post apocalypic western things. And because it was the 2nd or 3rd anime that i watched. So at that time anime seemed like a breath of fresh air compared to western animation.
Then of course I watched 3 or 4 other series and realised that all anime are identical. Same story. Same characters. Same relationships. Same plot devices. Same pacing. So I got bored. (which is a shame, because I'd already bought a load of series on DVD, and now i can't face watching them).
Studio ghibli movies are excepted for being generally awesome, and non-anime.
captfitz: main characters that are hair-pullingly annoying sometimes, or the absolute least subtle and most childish dialogue i have ever witnessed. but by the end of the series i am always in awe at how deep and truly meaningful they are.
and that's why i watch anime.

That's what I mean. They all have the same plot delivery method. Start with one guy. Have comedy episodes to add friends. Then hint at a big secret. Then do some backstory episodes for each character. Then introduce the evil rival (who usually is a huge disappointment). Then build up to an ending that hints at having some great meaning. Then run out of time and have a hugely disappointing ending that wasn't half as good as all the hints.
Post edited September 08, 2010 by soulgrindr
soulgrindr: Why is trigun so popular on the web / in the states?
It seems unknown in Japan.

like many many things
Akira for example. West considers it one of the greatest anime of all time, anime which shaped cyberpunk culture in the west giving us movies like Matrix.
Most japs don't even know what the hell that is.
soulgrindr: Studio ghibli movies are excepted for being generally awesome, and non-anime.

wait what?
Ghibli's movies are anime. not sure what your trying to say.
Post edited September 08, 2010 by lukaszthegreat
True about Akira. Very few Japanese know it.
lukaszthegreat: wait what?
Ghibli's movies are anime. not sure what your trying to say.

They're anime, but I don't think they're Anime.
They don't follow most of the genre tropes, and they're often based on western novels so the story isn't often anime style in delivery. Of course they do have some resemblances, but personally I don't think of them as anime.
In some ways they have more in common with Pixar, Disney (when it was good) and Tim Burton animatics than with most anime.
Though of course, even ghibli do have a few bad movies.
soulgrindr: They all have the same plot delivery method. Start with one guy. Have comedy episodes to add friends. Then hint at a big secret. Then do some backstory episodes for each character. Then introduce the evil rival (who usually is a huge disappointment). Then build up to an ending that hints at having some great meaning. Then run out of time and have a hugely disappointing ending that wasn't half as good as all the hints.

i agree, there's certainly a formula. but i like that formula every time! the characters you thought were just a couple of interesting people are actually involved in something huge and consequential! gasp!
but you are quite right, the ending can break it.
alaerian: I know tons and tons of people love anime. I'm honestly curious why it has such a huge following. What draws people to it?
(No disrespect meant AT ALL. I really am curious why so many people like anime and I dislike it so much >.< )

Well, for me at least, it was a cycle in my life. I watched tons and tons of anime and read heaps of manga. Now i still read heaps of manga, but I can't be bothered watching an anime anymore (with exceptions being Akira, Ghost in the Shell/Appleseed movies, the Kon Satoshi movies and a handful of others). I don't hate them, I just don't find any interest in them anymore.
My hunger for anime certainly corresponded to a phase of my life. I'm out of this phase, so I don't watch anime anymore. And I chose to live and work in Japan. Oh the irony! ^_^
I'll say it again:
Anime is an art form. It can be anything it wants to be. It can be DBZ, Studio Ghibli, Cowboy Bebop, Akira, FMA, Evangelion, Keroro Gunso and so on...
All of these are totally different from each other in different ways. But they're all Japanese animation. Thats what anime is. So when you say "Studio Ghibli isn't anime because it's not stereotypical anime.", well then that kinda contradicts itself. If you actually watch good anime, you'll realize that allot of anime is not stereotypical. Studio Ghibli is just as much anime as the worst show ever. Because you can't change the fact that it's Japanese animation.
soulgrindr: True about Akira. Very few Japanese know it.
lukaszthegreat: wait what?
Ghibli's movies are anime. not sure what your trying to say.

They're anime, but I don't think they're Anime.
They don't follow most of the genre tropes, and they're often based on western novels so the story isn't often anime style in delivery. Of course they do have some resemblances, but personally I don't think of them as anime.
In some ways they have more in common with Pixar, Disney (when it was good) and Tim Burton animatics than with most anime.
Though of course, even ghibli do have a few bad movies.

Its bad so its anime
Its good so its not anime.
Anime is not genre. it is animation product from japan (or by japanese as lots of stuff is moved to korea these days including western cartoons)
Anime consists of various genres like:
S-F: Trigun, Ghost in the Shell, Lain
Comedy: One Piece
Fantasy; Blood +
Thriller: Paranoia Agent
Porn: Attack of 40 inch tentacle monster in Local Girl High School 2: The revenge of Dicky the Mascot (Remastered edition)*
so on so on
Whether you like anime or not is of course your decision and cannot be judged but I did lose any respect for you because of the post**.
You had seen few animes and consider it representation of whole "genre".
it is like me saying Hollywood movies are crap because i saw
Legally Blond 2
Jason X
and after seeing Inception i would say it is not really a hollywood. movie.
*Title is made up to represent that like any porn it is very repetitive but like in any porn sometimes there is a gem in massive mountain of crap.
**Not really I just wanted the comment to sting a bit :D