soulgrindr: True about Akira. Very few Japanese know it.
lukaszthegreat: wait what?
Ghibli's movies are anime. not sure what your trying to say.
They're anime, but I don't think they're Anime.
They don't follow most of the genre tropes, and they're often based on western novels so the story isn't often anime style in delivery. Of course they do have some resemblances, but personally I don't think of them as anime.
In some ways they have more in common with Pixar, Disney (when it was good) and Tim Burton animatics than with most anime.
Though of course, even ghibli do have a few bad movies.
Its bad so its anime
Its good so its not anime.
Anime is not genre. it is animation product from japan (or by japanese as lots of stuff is moved to korea these days including western cartoons)
Anime consists of various genres like:
S-F: Trigun, Ghost in the Shell, Lain
Comedy: One Piece
Fantasy; Blood +
Thriller: Paranoia Agent
Porn: Attack of 40 inch tentacle monster in Local Girl High School 2: The revenge of Dicky the Mascot (Remastered edition)*
so on so on
Whether you like anime or not is of course your decision and cannot be judged but I did lose any respect for you because of the post**.
You had seen few animes and consider it representation of whole "genre".
it is like me saying Hollywood movies are crap because i saw
Legally Blond 2
Jason X
and after seeing Inception i would say it is not really a hollywood. movie.
*Title is made up to represent that like any porn it is very repetitive but like in any porn sometimes there is a gem in massive mountain of crap.
**Not really I just wanted the comment to sting a bit :D